Als nicht-Christ eine Kette mit Kreuz tragen?
Hallo! Es wäre nur ein kleines Kreuz, aber jeder weiß, dass ich nicht religiös bin und nicht an Gott glaube. Ich will auch garnicht so tun, aber ich finde es sieht einfach süß aus. Oder ist das komisch? Lg
Some will probably have something against it, but you can wear what you want and if someone really asks stupid, you can say you wear it as a sign that you accept religions or something
Very helpful and cool answer. Thank you.
Hello Koenntedassein👋
I am Christin, but I also have a chain with a small cross, but I do not wear it for my faith, but as a reminder of a deceased one who was very important to me. With this pendant is a small follower with his initial letter and his birth stone.
Let’s look at the other side:
I’m a Buddhist.
Do you know how many headshops that Kiffer buy their accessories are related to Buddhism?
Bongs for cannabis use that are replicated to a Buddha.
One of the five basic Buddhist vows, by the way, says that “no intoxicating things should be taken”.
In these stores there are also candles in the form of a Buddha, so that one can light his head.
Whether this is a sign of respect, it can be denied.
Do you know how many people in their garden or apartment have a Buddha statue or little character, just “because it looks good”?
Or ask Neo-Pagans/Neuheiden, how often their symbols are offered as pendants, as motifs on wall cloths, or on panel covers?
Believe me, religious symbols have long since become a fashion object and decoration article – whether cross, Buddha, or triskele.
Thanks for the interesting answer! And you think that’s good, don’t you? Lg
Personally, it is not important to me whether someone carries a golden cross, perhaps a cross standing on the head or from me also a cross in blood optics.
It will have a reason:
He is believing, it is an important memory, he wants to provoke with it, or he just likes it visually. Many possibilities.
I care about people, not his outfit. However, such an object, of course, first shapes the famous “first impression”.
However, I always try to allow people a fair “second impression” – especially when something visually interferes with them.
For example, I find piercings absolutely unattractive.
Thus, when someone appeals to me with visible piercings, an internal defensive attitude is created automatically as a reflex.
But if one knows his own mind in a way – that one finally learns as a Buddhist – then one knows that there are just personal prejudices that have just jumped and strives for fairness 🙂
If you’d wear a T-shirt with a shining Buddha, that would be less problematic for me than piercing.
I am not sensitive when it comes to “our” religious symbols
Very nice setting! Lg
With that b you are not alone when I see who carries all a cross – and that certainly not as a sign of religion.
A bit, of course, this is decorated with strange feathers. The meat-in Bavarian costume wearers usually don’t like it at all when the fools wear imitated leather pants in carnival. You’ll see the splendour.
But it remains your decision and at least show that you do not completely reject Christian religion.
Thanks for the answer!
I respect all religions as long as no one has to suffer. Even though I find this very critical as the Catholic Church stands for LGBTQ :/
Well, the ground personnel have quite strange views. Jesus would certainly have seen it differently from this rugged old man.
I didn’t just take a cross with figure. Otherwise do it. There is no stress
I didn’t plan, but thanks for the tip:)
No problem (2.Kor.11,14; paragraph17,1-4).
I find it strange it is a Christian sign, but nobody can forbid you, but there are also other small sweet symbols:3
Don’t worry.
You can do it if you like it.
Many have tattoos where they don’t really know what they mean.
Soon the time comes in the swimming pool, where you can enjoy yourself.
A small chain is the smaller evil.
Atheists also celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ every year.
The cross is not patented. It is completely free to advertise for the church (so the church has never been patented).
I don’t care about that. I know that this is legal. I’m interested in whether people find it happy. Lg
sorry what to find? Can’t decipher the word.
Sure. If I had seen this as an atheist, it would have scared me and would have avoided you because religious people are too suspicious of me.
There are no regulations.
It would certainly not be so correct
Don’t do that
This can be worn by anyone who wants to wear it.