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11 months ago

You wanted to have answers from girls and I’m a man, but after all, I discovered pole sports for me.

What you mean is Exotic Pole, so more emphasised sexy and with high-heels than direction, which you can do after some basic training, but don’t have to. I have to say that mine is not, first because I probably had my perfect statistics, never had a ligament stretch or a bone fracture, after two steps on these crazy shoe constructions, but I don’t need it either. I like the artistic/acrobatic direction where you don’t wear heels, even better.

Men in the Exotic Pole are probably “Very Exotic Pole” because they are true exotics and even more rare than in pole sports as such. But there is. And yes, if the whole thing is done seriously, it can also look good. The British Youtuber “Blumineck”, which is especially striking with funny combos from his disciplines Pole (he is trainer) and archery (to jump into an overhead figure to the poles and then fire an arrow target-proof), apparently dominates the discipline and also teaches them. So why not?

Or it’s supposed to look a bit funny, for a comedy performance, but train it, also seriously considering the others in the course.

11 months ago

This is just something for the scene quarters in the milieu, possibly for the bachelor party if you hold this salmon number.

In both cases good professionalism is expected.

As a hobby in the silent Kämmerlein or also in the pole-dance class under certain circumstances, if the ladies allow it at all.

11 months ago

in the Sch*ulen scene.

4 months ago
Reply to  anti45

Yeah, but he really has to dance GUT!