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4 years ago

Well, the probability of accident is not dependent on the price of the car. Many make this dependent on engine power. My first car had 250 hp and I haven’t built an accident with it yet.

An accident depends in any case on you or simply luck or bad luck. The car doesn’t matter. If you can handle a stronger car, it’s not a problem.

LG Andi

4 years ago

So it makes sense not to buy such an expensive new car first

For the first two to three years it does something in golf size, best six to eight years old, but you should look at a good condition…

4 years ago

Buy that what you want. But look after the gang and give cars like golf, bmw or n Benzer.

Regardless of this, choose your car very carefully, and then take it through! Whether someone says, “Are you able to drive it anyway?”. If I had the money back then I would get a car with up to 250ps.

It always depends on how much you get to know the car BEVOR you can kick it right or cross it.

4 years ago

The probability of an accident caused by you has nothing to do with the price of the vehicle.

4 years ago

It’s a very clear thing.

4 years ago

Buy what you have the necessary capital for.

4 years ago
Reply to  cekdoakku

No, I can’t even read, I’m analphabet.