Als Fahranfänger oft angehupt/angeblinkt werden?

Hey 🙂

ich hab seit gestern meinen Führerschein und bin heute das erste mal in dem Auto meiner mum (also nicht im Fahrschulauto) gefahren.

Es war halt alles ein bisschen anders als gewohnt und ich bin oftmals so 10kmh zu langsam gefahren, einfach weil ich mich noch nicht soo konform mit dem Auto fühle und dann lieber bisschen langsamer fahre.

(und ja ich weiß, dass man als Fahrer eigentlich zügig fahren muss…)

habe auch das Auto zwei mal abgewürgt und es war alles bisschen stressig😩

Insgesamt wurde unzählige Male angehupt und auch angeblinkt, was mich irgendwie ein bisschen einschüchtert.

Jetzt habe ich irgendwie ein bisschen Angst davor nochmal zu fahren, weil man sich als Fahrer natürlich total unwohl fühlt, wenn man die ganze Zeit das Gefühl hat, dass man eine totale 0 im fahren ist…

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2 years ago

In total, countless times were haunted and also blinded, which somehow intimidates me a bit.

That’s the normal sense of supremacy on our streets. Just ignore!!

Now I’m kind of afraid of driving again,

The opposite is correct. You’ve got to go through and exercise. With every hour of driving you get used more and more to the car and traffic.

because you feel totally uncomfortable as a driver,

You will often experience this in life on other occasions. See this as an opportunity to practice overcoming.

if you feel like driving a total 0 in the whole time…

If you were the total 0, you wouldn’t have got the license.

2 years ago

Don’t worry about it. There are stickers with “beginners” etc.

Since 1981, I have been in favour of speed restrictions. At 60 kmh in front of a motorway entrance we are also often flashed.

2 years ago

I don’t want people to stress. Take your time. It’s normal that it takes a little while to get the routine there. Especially if you don’t know the car yet.

2 years ago

Hold on. Maybe go low- traffic routes to get used to the car.

Has happened to all of us ever.

2 years ago

Don’t let that stress you. There are many ideots on the road.

It helps if you make a “travel” sign in the back of the car.

2 years ago

First of all, congratulations on the driver’s license.

Please don’t make any of this if you’re haunted or blinded.

There’s no driving school sign on your car now, other road users don’t know you haven’t been driving so long and sometimes you’re still uncertain…

These are, by the way, the same drivers who were blinded or haunted by themselves, but many no longer know…

Maybe you’ll bite some of those who have an “unorthodox” driving style later….

It would be a big mistake if you didn’t drive now.

It is a big difference, whether jmd. who has been driving a license for many years, sometimes not driving for a while or whether the jmd. does that just start.

You have to stay on the ball and drive as much as possible.

Maybe you’ll go to an industrial area for a weekend.

Or invite your mother and drive a tour over the country.

I wish you a good ride.