Als deutsche Augenoptikerin in Korea arbeiten?

Hallo, ich schließe bald meine Ausbildung zur Augenoptikerin hier in Deutschland ab und überlege danach ins Ausland zu gehen was sich irgendwie als schwierig erweist.

In vielen anderen EU Ländern ist es so, dass die Ausbildung nicht anerkannt wird weil Augenoptik dort nur als Studiengang gelernt werden kann.

Weiß zufällig jemand wie das in Südkorea ist? Müsste ich dafür auch studieren oder die Ausbildung dort wiederholen oder sowas?

Das Land interessiert mich sehr und ich habe auch bereits angefangen Koreanisch zu lernen und spreche Englisch auf B1 Niveau.

Vielen Dank schonmal für jede Hilfe ^^

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2 years ago

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then to go abroad, which somehow proves difficult.

It won’t work. Even if you want to emigrate only within Europe without significant work experience, you will not succeed. In addition to language problems, Europe will only experienced Workforces searched, no chasers. Experience means about 5 years of working experience.

I have also begun to learn Korean and speak English at B1 level.

English in customer contact? Forget it. I live in Norway, had to become an optician at the last time and advised an optician who came from abroad, although quite fluent, but nevertheless washed-indefinitely speaking Norwegian. I won’t go there anymore, it was just annoying. If you don’t speak Korean correctly and don’t master your professional skills, you won’t get a job chance with customer contact.

I recommend asking your question in the Korea Forum: but I mean, once in a report, that it is a study there.

1 year ago
Reply to  haugen

Well, eye optics are looking. As far as I’ve heard, one has good chances as a beginner.

1 year ago
Reply to  Lissythelis

So you have “hearded” (sometimes someone told Maerchen again?) that “optics” in Korea is such a short-term job that European professionals who speak virtually no Korean do not understand (this is a difference again), are haenderingly sought and have good opportunities on the Korean labour market and have a job visa or a job visa. Get immigration visas, huh? It would be wise to stay in reality.

Even European laenders do not seek professionals, but experienced candidates.

1 year ago
Reply to  haugen

That’s not true. I lived on Iceland for two years and there were half unskilled and half learned in my team. We also had an apprentice from Germany and the earned 4000 net. Of course, everything was more expensive, but as I said, for example, the Icelandic are happy about every candidate. Don’t make anything worse than it is. And I have learned that the colleague has now passed the examination in Germany as an optician and goes back to Iceland for 6000 net. I know because I’m friends with the boss. I also consider going back again (with Master), earn here in Munich 2600 net, then there about 10,000. But I am so attached to my friends and my family in Munich.

1 year ago
Reply to  Namainari

Reading and understanding often helps! Just check out the visa conditions for Korea and see if you need visas for Iceland. My opinion has nothing to do with making bad, but with reality. I know well in Asia.

1 year ago

So, you yourself spoke about Europe and not Korea with this sentence, so the comparison with Iceland: “Even if you want to emigrate only within Europe without significant work experience, you will not succeed”

1 year ago

Then you don’t remember what you wrote, understanding yourself is just as important. So, you answered this sentence: “And consider going abroad afterwards”… and then you were very explicit about Europe.

1 year ago

What? GF works to ask a question. The comments below try to answer this question. I replied that it won’t be. On the other hand, you write under my comment that opticians, including Anfaenger, are being sought. What are you gonna do?

1 year ago

That is why I did not answer the question.

1 year ago

Well, it’s about Korea.

1 year ago

I never claimed that with Korea. My testimony referred to Germany. In Germany, opticians are definitely sought. Beginners are also taken well. I know that because I work myself in the profession. I don’t know how it is in Korea.

2 years ago

You should ask directly here: