Als Angestellte ins Beamtenverhälnis?
Guten Tag 🙂
ich bin Angestellte im Öffentlichen Dienst (Verwaltungsfachwirtin (Lehrgang I + II)) und mein größter Wunsch ist es mich verbeamten zu lassen. Ich habe gehört, dass es wohl einige Behörden gibt, die auch Verwaltungsfachwirte verbeamten. Das ist wohl eher die Ausnahme.
Wie kann ich verbeamtet werden, ohne Studium? Ich möchte kein Studium absolvieren um am Ende dieselbe Stelle auszuführen. Das wäre ja alles doppelt gelernt :(. Welche Möglichkeiten habe ich? Gibt es eine Fortbildung die mich in Laufbahnrecht bringt?
Vielen Dank im Voraus 🙂
That with the II. I haven’t seen anyone yet. I don’t know a senior officer who didn’t study. Career law provides for the completion of a study.
Professional experience and the good will of the serviceman – he can call you into an official relationship. With a local administration – I think you can forget this.
Read the applicable civil servant law.
You can’t do anything here yourself.
The only question is: why didn’t you apply directly for a training of high-ranking official career?
If I can forget about the local government, which employer can do this?
I’m sorry I don’t have an Abitur or a specialist, which is why I decided to do the training at that time.
I have assumed that you want to fulfill the school condition and do not want to do the further dual study of the official course.
The Abitur/Fachabitur is a prerequisite for the superior service in all areas.
Depending on the federal state, there is the possibility to recognize the school part of a specialist subject, depending on the degree of schooling and training. Would be the first way I would check. Otherwise, you will only have the way to catch up with the school part.
Whether the path is still worth – depends on your age. Even if the age limit was raised for appointment – it will become uninteresting in the field of health insurance at some point.