Als 17 jähriger mit 19 jährigen Freunden Marokko Ulraub?

Meine Freunde und ich würden gerne nach Marokko in den Urlaub. Leider ist einer noch 17 zu dem Zeitpunkt, wir alle 19. Jetzt stellt sich die Frage, ob er mitkommen kann, weil es ja nach außerhalb von Europa geht und dann vielleicht die Fluggesellschaft oder so Stress machen könnte bzw. es gar nicht erlaubt ist. Weiß da jemand mehr, vielleicht auch, ob es da Komplikationen geben könnte, wenn wir ein Auto mieten wollen oder ein Hotel? Wir haben auch alle den deutschen Führerschein. Ich selber war auch schon in Marokko.

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1 month ago

Flight and hotel can book the parents for the 17-year-old, then it is no problem.

A power of attorney from his parents would not be bad, some airlines insist.

Of course, he can’t rent a car, but he can’t rent a car. In Germany, as far as I know from 21, what it looks like in Morocco is sure to find out on the Internet.

1 month ago
Reply to  Chumacera

In DE car rental goes without problems from 18.

1 month ago

If your friend has permission to travel with his parents, there should be no problems for your activities.

1 month ago

He needs a valid passport, like you others. If you don’t have it early, it often takes weeks to have an appointment and then some more until it’s finished.

He needs for the flight and also for the on-site authority of his parents that he may travel with one of you. One must officially have the responsibility for him according to the document, but then the person will also get Problems if he messes up.

Because of car rentals: Check whether the European driver’s license is recognised or you have to apply for an international driver’s license, that is a paper lobe you must have in addition to the driver’s license.

1 month ago

Be careful to have a power of attorney when you book the flight. Because of the rental car you have to look at what age it is allowed there.