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7 months ago

The Duty free shop is usually at the terminals. So after security check, check in, etc… That means you won’t get in there without a ticket.

7 months ago
Reply to  Kev220

No. You need a ticket to get behind the security area. Unless you want to buy a baker or something else. You come to the Duty free shops so easy but not. Besides perfume and alcohol, it is not worth buying something there anyway. The rest is too expensive

7 months ago

Find the cheapest. Short distance, hand luggage and cheap airline. Think about 25-35€

7 months ago

Each airport is separated into two areas.

The “Air Side” is behind the security control. Access has only the one with current BORDKARTE.

The Landside is a general area and also publicly accessible to visitors and pickers.

The shops at the airport have to pay astronomical rents and bargains are simply exuberant. Also the “Duty Free Shop” is beschiss from the finest. In the case of cigarettes in the extra-European countries, there is still a need to save. Only with the other Tinneff you could save 7 or 19 percent of VAT purely theoretically, but the price advantage is then eaten by the exorbitant rents and the enormous handling costs. Then, for example, a giant Toblerone panel is sold with 800 grams for 27 euros for people who cannot count.

7 months ago


at many airports there are shops before security checks. They’re on Sundays too.