Allgemeine Fragen zum C43 Bj. 2016-2018?
Hallo zusammen,
ich spiele mit dem Gedanken, mir in den nächsten Monaten ein C43 AMG zuzulegen.
Nun folgende Fragen:
Ist das Auto im Großen und Ganzen zuverlässig, sprich wenig bis gar keine außerplanmäßigen Reparaturen (Service mal außen vor, das ist ja normal).
Und zum anderen: Was kostet euch das Auto grob im Monat? Ich selbst habe jeden Monat ca. 2k über und denke, da passt das Auto locker rein, zumal ich es auch die nächsten 4-5 Jahre fahren möchte.
Über Feedback würde ich mich freuen.
It is a lupen-free top class, i.e. a professional inspection can cost over 2000 euros and ATU or “free master operation” is never an option for an AMG – this is a very demanding car and will be more complicated over the years, even though motor, transmission and drivetrain give mercedestypically little cause to complain: The C43 AMG is more reliable than any super sportsman from the south and still holds a C-Class (I also drive C-Class and am very pleased with it … a great car, 280.000 kilometers without problems and it goes on – however I have already paid 1200 euros for the big maintenance at the C180, which is all right, but what you need to know). Nevertheless, the AMG is not a “cheap” car. Even the engine oil prescribed by Mercedes is expensive.
I’m telling you this: Actually, you should just buy something like this if you could easily get the new price – the entertainment costs are high in itself and can start at the latest when something breaks. You have to decide the rest.
Thank you for your answer.
In a year I could buy the car cash or just fund 10-15k and pay the rest. I have hardly any monthly costs, and from others who drive this car, that it runs quite reliably and without problems, and on the other hand the maintenance is between 500-600€ a month (sprit, maintenance, insurance, tax). That would certainly be worth it, especially since I did not get to the famine and still have enough money for a good life:) Just wanted to get a few more opinions, yours definitely helped me. It is also clear that such a car is not served at 100€ per month.
As I said, compared to zigzags, the AMG is solid – but it is still not fault-free and 600 euros per month will only come to the conversation if you drive rather little and no defects need to be repaired or inspections carried out.
For comparison: I know someone who until recently drove a W211 E500 from 2003 (as first owner and over 350,000 kilometers) – a service range C with change of all eight spark plugs and air-conditioning fluid, etc. and eight litres of brand oil came to almost 2500 euros at Mercedes. That’s not a cardboard stalk, I just wanted to say it. That’s just the top class and that’s what you need to know – AMG is, if you want it, the premium sports track of Mercedes and the “normal” Mercedes is not directly favorable in the entertainment.
If I had to finance a used car, it would be a reason for me, or a sign, not to take it – but in the end you have to know and decide. I cannot, and I do not want to, anticipate you, and everyone in life sets other priorities.
You almost said everything. Unfortunately, only with the reliability it is not so far from AMG. Unfortunately, the quality of the vehicles and in particular of the motors has suffered quite well under mass production.
Compared to C63, CLS, CLA and Co, the most “safe” variant with respect to longevity and maintenance costs. The type class for an AMG is also within the scope of 27 at VK. With appropriate SF class, c43 is also relatively favorable in insurance. But if you take into consideration the sedan and not the combination, prefer to put some more money on the table and check the previous owners exactly. The reliability of an AMG depends on 100%. Unfortunately, more and more heated AMGs are on the market, but they can be easily recognized. Ideally, you should complete a used car warranty. With a budget of 2000/month, everything is easy to do.
Thank you for your answer.
There are only coupe and sedan in question, T-model is nothing for me 🙂
You’re right, in general, cars with more performance are happy to be kicked without being carefully warm.