Alles zum Schlaf bei Konsum von Crystal meth?
Ich(M) bitte darum, dass beide Fragen konkret beantwortet werden und nichts, was mit den Fragen nichts zu tun hat, gennant wird.
1. Hilft Melatonin dabei nach dem Konsum von Crystal meth einzuschlafen?
2.Wenn ich wieder Problemlos einschlafe, wo füge ich den versäumten Schlaf hinzu?
Leider gibt es zu diesen ganzen Fragen nichts, oder andersgesagt nichts, was meinen Anforderungen entspricht, auf zu lesen. Ich erhoffe mir konkrete Antworten auf die Fragen.
Ich bedanke mich im Vorraus
Melatonin is very weak. Against meth, you wanted to protect yourself against an orcan with a cocktail umbrella.
It’s more like sleeping with your personal need for sleep. It’s like sleeping. Of course you’re more fit when you sleep longer. However, I have had the experience after consumption that you will wake up after five six hours. When I get up there, I’m fresher than I’m sleeping.
You sound very experienced when it comes to this, could you please tell me if you know certain techniques and if you can’t sleep it? And are there great differences between the different consumption methods in the effect and physical reaction? (Is there a certain thing for sleeping well?)
Yes my techniques are called ciffen and possibly benzodiazepines. But oddly, it’s fine. Probably the gentlest is the oral intake. In principle, this is always the method that is the slowest flute. The fastest are reds and smokes and natural splashes. The difference also exists in the amount of active substance taken up. Also, I always recommend taking Vitmain-rich drinks and food and purifying Basica so that there are no cramps of odr muscle fiber cracks. Indestructible, potassium and magnesium. If you take this in addition to you, you will feel much more comfortable and you will not feel so weakened and leached. Then a bag should be enough to sleep.
Take capsules of any preparations, make them shred and clean. they’re not getting up.
Okay then I’ll try it with that…
However, I did not have the pale glow as I should arrange the oral recording. If I pull it through the nose too unpredictably, and a little crystql lands in the throat room, I get close to vomiting. How’s that going?
1. Certainly not, as long as the methamphetamine acts.
2.) I’m not sure what you mean. Just go to sleep as soon as the body allows.
General information about the typical effects and side effects as well as the risks associated with consumption can be found here:
Apart from that, maybe helpful:
Thank you.
Please, please.
So you are very long awake and after consumption you are very exhausted and depressed several days.
So, based on 2nd, does it mean that no sleep after the grated deficit, of about 8 hours, has to be recovered? This amazes me, because I read a few times on the Internet, and I can also imagine that there is up to 30 hours of uninterrupted sleep, and this sometimes also gets to sleep. In addition, it is not a direct answer to the question.