Alles wie im Traum?

Ich habe gestern mit Freunden einen Joint mit Nur gras und Hasch geraucht und danach habe ich mich wie in einem Traum gefühlt und es war so schlimm und ich hatte Angst und habe gezittert und ich habe nichts bedacht was ich gedacht habe und habe schnell vergessen. Und jetzt nach einem Tag fängt es wieder an. Muss ich mir Sorgen machen oder was passiert da? Geht es weg?

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aalbtraum, UserMod Light

Please note that we cannot provide diagnostics or forecasts here.

Such reports are regularly received here. Mostly from minors who exaggerated it with cannabis.

In principle, whatever that is can go back. Can take a little, but it can go. What may have a positive effect on the further course is regular and sufficient sleep, a balanced diet, sufficient drinking and exercise in the fresh air. What can be seen as a healthy lifestyle in general. Most importantly, however, is: stay sober, not cried, but also drink no alcohol.

If it’s not to be held or even intensified, you should be better able to explain it medically. It’s enough to give the doctor a visit. Thanks to confidentiality, you can talk about your own use of drugs.

Good luck!

aalbtraum, UserMod Light
Reply to  xarianlx


There are no legal problems. If you are 15+, the obligation to silence usually also applies to your parents.

2 years ago

It’s gone. More precisely, it’s metabolized. Pretty fast.

Did you know that newcomers should only take one, maximum two trains to slowly touch the developing effect of cannabis? No?
Then I recommend reading “Rauschzeichen” by Wurth and Geyer.

2 years ago

So I don’t know very well but I’ve read a question 1 week ago in which someone said he smoked a joint and now suffers from a mental illness in which he is permanently high for 2 years. Go to the doctor or therapist as soon as possible!

2 years ago

I have no experiences, but you could call your doctor and ask for help. He has a duty of silence and will not “confuse” you with parents or the police.