Alles weggeschmissen?
Hab vorhin alle meine Tabletten weggeschmissen, um zu vermeiden,dass ich nochmal mehrere Tabletten schlucken möchte ….
jetzt bereue ich es und möchte mir am liebsten sofort neue holen.
soll ich neue holen, ohne sie zu benutzen, oder soll ich keine holen und versuchen, ohne klar zu kommen (Schlaftabletten)
You did everything right. You don’t need to get new pills. Read a book or watch a comedy to come to others, to positive, thoughts. And then go to bed with these thoughts.
Good night!
There’s still time for suicide. If you’re such a “living tired” you can do a lot of what you never would have dared. In relation to “be dead” you can’t do much wrong.
Yes I had the thoughts
The thought has helped me very much even in an acute phase, and also later.
A friend told me his mother took sleeping pills to sleep. In the next step she needed some to wake up again.
In the end, she was in the middle of the drug addiction.
If you can’t sleep, just stay up! It’s fired!
I didn’t want to take this to sleep