Alles über Snapchat?
Ich habe vor mir Snapchat runterladen, weil es einfach viele meiner Freunde haben und wollte wissen: Wie genau funktioniert dass? Ich bin halt schüchtern und wenn ich nen Fehler mache habe ich halt Angst. Also ich will vor allem wissen:
Wie versendet man gute Rundsnaps also die die an alle deine Kontakte gehen?
Gibt es irgendwelche Regeln?
Freue mich auf antworten
The “problem” with the shy one, I had at first. I had a good friend with whom I made a kind of course at the beginning and become something more self-confident. In the meantime, I make roundsnaps at my hobbies, on the way somewhere or if there is absolutely nothing “exciting”, even just blacks. And as Horse already wrote, how it works you can find out quickly..
Snapchat is pretty self-explanatory. With time you might notice that (Round)Snaps don’t always have to show something, often I get snaps from a wall xD. I think with time you’ll find out how it works pretty quickly. In any case, it was like this:)