Allergische Augen?

Moin habe seit längeren eine haustauballergie bekommen

Habe starke Nebenwirkungen im Auge wie tränende Augen, juckende schmerzende hängende Augen.

Allegie Test schon gemach Und es hat sich ja herausgestellt dass ich haustauballergie habe

War auch schon beim Augenarzt hatte aber nichts gebracht

Habe jetzt ein spezielles Nasensray bekommen, 2 mal am Tag soll ich es anwenden wende ich vor dem schlafen und nach dem ausschlafen an. soll es 3 Monate lang benutzen

Habe schon seit mehr als 1 Woche angewendet und am Anfang hat es gut getan ist jetzt aber wieder genauso schlimm

Könnte ich allergische Augentropfen benutzen jetzt ohne dass der Arzt mir das empfohlen hat

oder lieber nicht und 3 Monate abwarten

benutzeich den nasenspray in der falschen Zeitspanne, benutze es jedoch richtig mit der richtigen Haltung und den Atmen

bitte hilft mir!!

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1 year ago

Since I had years of allergy on almost all and red eyes almost all year round and those, freelance of the aldi sometimes tried, which were actually only against too much on the PC. They were really great.

But Aldi hasn’t been like that for a long time. Maybe you’ll find some in the giant supermarket, the free-sale medicines.

For Berberil on prescription, I had paid much more and more in the pharmacy. I got to the Aldi 4! Packs for the same money.

These eye drops in ophthalmic were acutely prone.

Ah, photos: My eyes were much red then, really red.

1 year ago
Reply to  Alexe1

Actually, I have everything in detail explained.

Summary: Berberil, from pharmacy, expensive surcharge or 1/4 of the money, cheap from the GrossSupermarkt, no name.

Both helped me right away.

You need to see if your giant supermarket or drugstore market has ophthalmologists. Because Aldi has no more.

If you get a prescription from the doctor, NO dripping bottle, but in ophthiols. These are 20x one-time drops in the pack.

Look at the supermarket and drugstore market. You get that, just as good, but 4x so much for the money.

1 year ago

You use the spray. And only you can know if it helped. _ I don’t know. _ How should I know?

Sit down and ask your INNER MEISTER who lives in the heart, heart intelligence. Make yourself into what is so you can see SELBER. And wait for the answer, by intuition, to come into the LEERGEMACHTE brain. _ The intelligence is in attentive looking, watching plus intuition, not in the SelberDenkenMüssen.

1 year ago

How do I know?

1 year ago


  • In allergic bruising and symptoms of ophthalmitis
  • Anti-inflammatory and well effective.
1 year ago

Read the package.

I don’t know WELCHE N.tropf. you could be something I can’t know.