
Hallo ich wollte mal fragen wie das bei euch ist? Ich reagiere auf histaminhaltige lebensmittel und wollte nun fragen wie es mit dem duschen und co aussieht. Muss man da auch extra achten das nichts histaminhaltiges enthalten ist? 
ich reagiere innerlich (organe) und nicht über die Haut. Kenne mich da zu wenig aus.😅

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7 months ago

If your histamine intolerance reaction only affects the inner organs and does not take place over the skin, you do not have to worry about histamine-containing ingredients when choosing shower and other external care products. But it would be best if you could visit a doctor on occasion.

7 months ago

I would still dispense with histamine-containing products when showering.

It can be that you breathe something or maybe something accidentally comes to your mouth and you suck it down. Or you don’t wash your hands well and that comes to food, etc.


7 months ago
Reply to  Catharina07

Is only my recommendation, as I have many other allergies and I always only have a small breath or drop, so that there is an allergic reaction when you are completely insecure, just ask your doctor:)