Sole custody and actor father?


I have the following problem/concern. I have sole custody of my 16-month-old daughter. Her father lives in a homeless shelter down the road and has now received a suspended sentence for allegedly asking an 11-year-old girl for nude photos in 2021. As a result, I have temporarily prohibited contact with him for the purpose of visitation. He also consumes chemical drugs, and I occasionally consume cannabis. Now we're having a parent-teacher conference, and I suspect he's acting out again and blaming everything on our time back then. He can just put on a smile and convince people.
I just don't want my daughter to have contact with someone like that. What can I do?

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1 year ago

First; Congratulations on your men’s taste.

I would also do everything to ensure that contact with the father is not established. At any rate until the child is old enough to decide independently that it wants to get to know this “father”.
I hope no cannabis was consumed during pregnancy!? And how often is it now? If you exaggerate it, it can be good that your child will be taken off at some point. Youth offices unfortunately don’t have much idea of drugs and effects and can also make you a knit, especially since cannabis use in Germany is not really legal.

1 year ago

You should clarify this during the parental conversation and find as good arguments as possible (which may even be proveable/referable). I think it’s just a little marginal that you put him as a bad father, with all his bad qualities, but even loosely write that you consume cannabis only occasionally. It’s a drug problem for me, too. So you also have pages on you, which you should get under control from your child’s responsibility.

1 year ago
Reply to  Jxlia198198

So, you’re in danger of searching yourself and you’re upset about the drug use of your father?

1 year ago
Reply to  Jxlia198198

That you’re harmless actually only shows that you should also be deprived of custody over a short or long time. Zero sense of responsibility for a child.

1 year ago
Reply to  Jxlia198198

in opposition, however, your ex can claim exactly the same.

you can say anything without proof

1 year ago
Reply to  Kabeltante1266

Cannabis is basically much less harmful and affecting behavior than alcohol – just by the way.

1 year ago
Reply to  Smartalek

That’s not true.

1 year ago

How old are you, 12?

1 year ago


1 year ago

But that’s true.

1 year ago

Bäm! So do I. I can’t judge others and take into account their irresponsible behaviour (and also the new girlfriend of the ex, which she allegedly does wrong) and then do things yourself, which should be better denied to his child later. I see that, Gorkon193.

1 year ago

the father has the right to change with his child. you are not right to boycott or prevent the circumvent. Your duty is to promote and enable you.

restricting or preventing circumvention can only be a court. you do not call a reason why this should be done.

1 year ago

in the parent’s weakening, 3. yes will be safe. It’s just important that you can prove all your guesses.

ansunten would be a way of dealing with his child for the first time.

the child actually has a right on his dad, it is he who can be blamed as you say. but they have to be proven. What his friend does is none of your business.

1 year ago
Reply to  Jxlia198198

what his friend does is none of your business and until then you have nothing but wild guesses.

whether the kv gifts has to star or christmas for the child, plays no role and is not vital. the vater has done this quite well and you have to do this.

you have been completely exposed for some time, so he puts the child

1 year ago
Reply to  Jxlia198198

just always documenting everything that is the A and O

1 year ago

Go to the parental conversation. What used to be interested, they don’t want to know what he’s doing now.

1 year ago

I just don’t want my daughter to have contact with such a person. What can I do?

You can argue in front of the court, quite with lawyer, otherwise you can do nothing against it, the family judge decides with counseling help from the juvenile and after file.

I just don’t want my daughter to have contact with such a person.

tja, at least once you must have had KOntact ;-). or how did it arise? The child is not your propertythat you can determine. You can suggest that an accompanying handling (page of the YES) takes place.

1 year ago

It doesn’t talk about dealing. Don’t exaggerate. After all, the treatment can take place in the youth office. For this we had a friendly room in the authority.

If you refuse the child, you may hate it later.

1 year ago
Reply to  LeckermaulVK

…no…just no.
Someone who consumes chemical drugs, asks minors for nude photos and lives in a homeless home is a good influence for you?
Don’t overdo soooo! Let your child first be traumatized not that it is evil after you!

1 year ago
Reply to  Smartalek

but that will decide the court. Not the mother – and not the youth office.

1 year ago
Reply to  Smartalek

Interpretation 6, set 😁

1 year ago

So, you have written several times correctly that we do not know about this case, but continue to insist on the paedophilia of the father without having any further evidence for it. Funny.

Nevertheless, even if you don’t like it: neither the probational penalty nor homelessness are reasons to self-confidence.

1 year ago

Vulture. I know that it is not a criminal record, but it has already acted after it – then it becomes one. And as I said, You can’t even know if there’s been at the 11-year-old or not like me. We have no photos and no knowledge of their state of development. With 11 you just get out of primary school… by far not every girl looks like a teenager at the time (don’t be her yet). As long as a child looks like a child, it’s paedophile when you stand on it.

1 year ago

Who’s talking about beautiful speeches? I guess that an 11-year-old is still a child, I did not contest, but first of all, paedophilia alone is not a criminal offence, and secondly, 11-year-olds no longer exist.

1 year ago

With 11 you’re a matter how you want to talk…because we both don’t have a photo of the girl I call it pedophilia.

1 year ago


Please don’t throw words about you if you don’t know. Pedophilia extends only to the time to reach puberty, which is probably the case with an 11-year-old.

The correct designation for an erotic preference for children between 11 and 16 would be lifting philia.

1 year ago

I didn’t need to interpret it because it’s just like that. I don’t know about psychology or pedagogy…why will a toddler be forced to contact a drug addict, homeless paedophiles only because he accidentally fled his mother?

1 year ago

“It doesn’t talk about dealing” is what bothers me. DOCH fucking-like everything.
And the mother has the right to prohibit the handling in emergencies until a judicial agreement has been found. In the case of drug use, maltreatment or significant kidnapping intentions.
The Youth Office has far too often the fingers in the game and posing on “transitional rights” where they simply make no sense.

1 year ago

I then for the first time prohibited contact with the right of handling.

Absolutely understandable, but still not good.

You can’t forbid the father’s handling.

Limiting or completely preventing handling is only possible by court order from the family court. Without a court ruling, the father could enforce his right of dealing by turning to the Youth Office. That would be unfavourable for you, because then you are the accused who refuses to deal with the father. And lack of cooperation is in doubt more negatively interpreted for you than for him.

Therefore, if you do not want the father to continue dealing with the child, you should address yourself to the youth office – if necessary with reference to the sentence – in order to be able to take appropriate steps to limit the handling.

1 year ago
Reply to  Elli113

That’s not true. There are quite reasons why a woman is not allowed to deal with the father (before until clarification).
Other drug use (which is the case here)
Infectious diseases
Suspicion of physical violence, abduction intentions or abuse.

1 year ago
Reply to  Smartalek

Other drug use (which is the case here)

Yes, with BEIDEN parents.

the father was already in prison for paedophilia…

That’s wrong. The father wasn’t in prison, but got a parole. And paedophilia is not a criminal offence. Most likely, he was sentenced for § 176b StGB, preparation for the sexual abuse of children.

It also does not matter how to handle it, which should only be prohibited if there is a concrete suspicion of abuse in the child concerned. Exclusion of the right of dealing is only possible if the child is at risk. And that’s the family court.

And no, the mother must not limit the handling by himself.

According to § 1684 para. 1 BGB, each parent is entitled and obliged to handle the child.

In addition, there is a loyalty obligation for parents according to § 1684 para. 2 BGB: You have to refrain from anything that affects the relationship between the child and the other parent or makes it difficult to educate. If a parent disregards this duty, also referred to as a welfare clause, this has legal consequences. The child and the non-maintaining parent have a right to regular contact with each other, which the mother must respect and support.

The unfounded contact link may lead to a partial withdrawal of the right of residence of the mother and the safeguarding of the right of handling by a caregiver.

1 year ago
Reply to  Smartalek

Mamma’s crawling. The child is not the property of the mother, decides on the right to use the family court alone,

1 year ago

The right to manoeuvre works in both directions and exists, if you take it carefully, between the child and the non-care parent (which can also be the mother).

In special cases even grandparents and siblings, or Third parties have the right to deal with the child or the child have the right to deal with third parties – especially if it serves the welfare of the child (Section 1685 BGB)

1 year ago

by the way; the right of dealing is the right of the child to deal with the father.

1 year ago

Right of handling = dealing with the child. There is no right to visit, but there is a right to have dealing with the child, which one can also have by visiting the child.

That the child’s care is endangered, if he is also chemical drugs, is certainly a question.

Just the IST the question and cannot be answered from the outset with yes or no, not quite by the mother who is apparently biased.

What are “chemical drugs”? If synthetic substances such as ecstasy are meant here: the effect of e.g. MDMA lasts only about four to six hours when he takes this on weekends and meets his child on Wednesdays, this has exactly no effect on handling the child.

It’s funny how you’re harming cannabis, but with “chemical drugs” you immediately assume that the care is at risk.

By the way, there was nothing about drug addiction, only consumption.

1 year ago

I am also referring to drug addiction and it is about the general right of dealing and not about visiting rights. That the child’s care is endangered, if he is also chemical drugs, is certainly a question.

1 year ago

Reading your own link would be beneficial.

Alcohol or drug addiction can only be considered if this endangers the child’s care (there is nothing in the question – by the way, nothing from coke or heroin) and abuse only when the child or the other parent is affected.

1 year ago

So much for the Umganrecht

Drug use is not the same as drug use. Whether you smoke cannabis, pull koks or spray heroin in the worst case is a big difference and is fortunately not rated equally.

1 year ago

and yet it cannot intervene in the right of handling. She can say her concern to the family judge, but ENTSCHEIDEN only does.

1 year ago

Not if the mother has custody and the father was already in prison for paedophilia…
“The mother does not touch me” is far from comparing chemical drugs. Cannabis use is more harmless than alcohol consumption.It is not really legal yet.