Alleine nachts in Berlin gefährlich?
Hallo, ich bin 16 Jahre alt und will auf ein Konzert in Berlin in zwei Wochen. Das Problem ist halt nur dass das Konzert erst um 23:00 Uhr endet und dann muss ich wieder 4 Stunden lang nach Hause fahren aber der Zug kommt erst um 2:00 Uhr morgens. Wo könnte ich mich so lange aufhalten?
Hey, the concert is probably today, right? Of course it depends on where the concert is. Berlin is big and what is the best option depends on where you are. If it’s zb in the Uber Arena, I would recommend you watch the East Side Gallery and the Oberbaumbrücke (at the time there’s no one else but it’s pretty safe and beautiful anyway). As soon as you get cold, you’re going to the east station for five minutes, there’s a McDonalds that always has open, and a police station, that is, it’s safe.
If you’re in the forest stage, I would suggest you just drive back to the main station or because of Charlottenburg (there are also the citizens King and McDonalds almost directly at the station plus bars and so on).
Otherwise: we drive night liners all night, that is to say you can just sit in a bus and drive through the area.
Hope you’re good at night, it’s very cold now
It’s always there where you’re at the wrong time… If you’re going to the train, it would be convenient to spend the time at the station, right? Where trains that drive at 2:00 at night are unusual… Parents who let their 16-year-old child travel to Berlin alone at night to a concert are also unusual…
Maybe just look at the city. I’ve never been there before, but I think there are some interesting sights.
Yes in berlin it is very dangerous at night, there is violence at every corner.
You’ve been 18 years old in one of your answers. Are you lying here? Tsk tsk tsk…