alleine mit 13 aufs Olivia Rodrigo konzert?
Ich und meine freunde sind alle bald 14 und haben 3 Tickets für Olivia Rodrigo gekauft nun ist unser problem keiner unserer Eltern wollen mit oder können mit also wollte ich fragen ob man einen Brief der Eltern mit ausweis der Eltern und unterschritt der Eltern mitbringt ob man dann alleine rein darf?
I would ask the organizer if you don’t find anyone who goes along. How long is it?
If you don’t mind, I’d get it. As a rule, the inlet is separated by the controls, so it could also be that you have a male companion, but that is logically not with you in control.
Is of course a risk, but if you don’t find anyone at all, I’d try
the concert would stop at 19:30 and end at 21 o’clock would that make a difference?
He… did you want to get out of here at 20? You will certainly not be allowed to stay alone anymore.
With quite certainty, you will get problems at the entrance as 13 and 14 years respectively.
Take one over 18 years old and then it is accompanied and you have no stress there!
Just ask the organizer to know. He’s on the tickets. Just writing an email.
If they don’t know, check the website of the concert hall and write a corresponding email.