Alleine in Urlaub fahren?

Fliege nächste Woche alleine für eine Woche nach Ägypten. Irgendwue freue ich mich ja riesig, aber irgendwie habe ich auch ein bisschen Angst. Es bereitet mir Angst wenn ich abends alleine am Tisch sitze beim Abendessen oder Frühstück, dass mich andere Leute komisch anschauen. Habe ein Clubhotel gebucht, da die Frau im Reisebüro mir dies als Alleinreisende empfohlen hat. Hattet ihr auch solche Sorgen bzw. wie war eure Singlereise? Möchte das einfach mal ausprobieren um zu sehen ob es für mich was ist oder nicht.

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9 months ago


Just try to get the holiday to you with anticipation.

You may ask yourself: How many times have I seen people eat alone at the restaurant? What was I thinking?

You’ll quickly realize that you’d never think these people are funny.

So, it’s all right to give yourself something without someone who’s always different from you. Enjoy the time!


9 months ago
Reply to  Bestia367

Yeah, you see? And that’s exactly what many people will think about you. The rest will probably not matter.

9 months ago

You get pampered with the feeling, sometimes when you want to get to know people on site and eat with them.

If I (w,29) are on my own, but I eat some of my own, so I am a little more accustomed. In addition, in my last relationship, I started to make things like cinema alone, as it was initially a distant relationship (plus me in new city) and I had no desire to wait for anything to meet my friend or friends, just to not do it alone.

When traveling, I have therefore also been accustomed to driving alone if no time or money had or no interest in the destination. It is important if you travel alone as a woman to rely on the abdomen and avoid strange areas or people.

Believe me, if you sit at the table and look nervously around, even more people look at you than if you do that for granted. Some just your thing, don’t worry too much about it and it’s good. Yes, a few will still look, a few because they could never imagine it, a few because they find it cool if someone just does it on their own, but what they can think of you is no matter, and a few might just look randomly in your direction without watching you. They have their lives, you yours.

Sometimes I get to know people on the go, other holidaymakers or locals. Some only for a short conversation, some also a little more that you eat together, for example, or make a trip together, and with one I still have easy contact with social media. But I never see most again, even because I have no interest in my existing circle of friends eating a lot of time… And sometimes I just stay alone if I don’t want to be alone means not being lonely. Not having to judge for others and simply doing things alone can also be very relaxing.

9 months ago

I wouldn’t mind eating alone. Most likely that I can find myself everywhere, because 4 eyes can see more than 2.