Alleine feiern gehen?
findet ihr es komisch alleine feiern zu gehen?
ich würde gerne viele Leute kennenlernen und ich finde ohne diesen Freundesdrang fällt es mir vielleicht irgendwie leichter.
Ich bin 20, war bis jetzt einmal feiern mit meiner Ex aber möchte das jetzt gerne in Zukunft öfters tun.
Wie geht man am besten vorran alleine zu feiern, haut man sich einfach in die Menge?
I went with friends, but just to look after things. So put me on a table and looked at the other. So it was practically alone.
Really? I didn’t even have 10 minutes for me because there were always some strange people to talk.
Hey, I’m only 13 and I’ve never been celebrating, but still don’t think it’s funny to go alone. As you say, you get to know new people.
I’ve already done a couple of times and I’ve met really nice people who have picked me up in their group 😃
If you’re an open person, you shouldn’t have any problems getting to know anyone.
Do that when you get Bock on it. What do you have to lose? If it’s not as you imagined it, you can go again. :