Alleine auf Schulausflug?
Was soll ich machen? Bin wahrscheinlich die ganze Zeit alleine…Weil meine Klasse nicht mit mir redet und in meiner Nebenklasse auch nicht…Die Lehrer die mitfahren, wissen nicht, dass ich alleine bin…Sind in Mauthausen und kommen wahrscheinlich um 17:00 Uhr wieder heim…Helft mir bitte, bin echt verzweifelt und es geht auf meine Psyche…Im Bus sitze ich wahrscheinlich alleine…
I know that too well from my school days. Just bite and wait until the trip goes. Take the best out on the bus and somehow work on you (music, cell phone, …). In the end, it’s over. I always hated such trips. It always depends on the class. In my last two years, I was in another school. I had friends. That was much better. But always remember it’s not up to you. You probably don’t harmonize with this class. That’s what happened to me.
all good, I hope the day passes for you very quickly:)
Then don’t go. You don’t have to do this to yourself. Did you pay for it?
No, paid by school
Then just don’t go.
Work with music and book. You probably don’t harm the students.
I hope for you, the day will be over very quickly.
Alone is chilled no one annoys you have room for you alone everything relaxes