Alle Füllungen ersetzen?
Hal Freunde ich hab manchmal Kopfweh, evtl wegen meiner Zähne? Was kostet es so eine amalgamfüllung rauspuhlen zu lassen und mit Keramik oder Gold zu ersetzen?
Hal Freunde ich hab manchmal Kopfweh, evtl wegen meiner Zähne? Was kostet es so eine amalgamfüllung rauspuhlen zu lassen und mit Keramik oder Gold zu ersetzen?
hey , ich wollte fragen wie lange es ungefähr dauert bis die Zahnspange ,, schön ” an den Zähnen aussieht oder man ein bisschen Unterschied sieht :)<3
Ich habe m3iner Freundin ausversehen mit dem Fingernägel das Zahnfleisch ein bisschen aufgeschnitten ist das schlimm? Was wird passieren
Wie stehen meine Chancen zur Zahnspange? Und dass es meine Krankenkasse bezahlt (gesetzlich) will unbedingt eine weil ich mich mit meinem lachen unwohl fühle wegen meinen zähnen. Finde sehe damit aus wie ne Ratte
Hallo Leute, ich weiß das mag ekelhaft und unhygienisch klingen, aber ich kratze immer mein Zahnfleisch auf! Es tut immer total weh, wenn ich es tue, ich nehme mir immer vor, aufzuhören, aber ich mache es immer wieder! Ich habe keine Gedanken, meinen Körper zu zerstören, hatte ich auch nie, aber ich mache es immer…
Ich 17 lebe in BW und werde in 6 Monaten 18. Ich hab Löcher ihm untern backen und oberen Backenzahn, jedoch hat der Arzt mir nur das obere Loch gefüllt und unten nicht. Außerdem hat er mir mein oberen Zahn so ungünstig gefüllt ,dass er eine (Spitze)Ecke hat, was bedeutet, dass er leichter abbricht und…
A dentist once advised me to replace amalgam fillings that are still good. Because the whole amalgam, which is released at once, would harm the body much more than the fillings you already have.
Otherwise you should just contact your dentist in this respect. Primarily it is about the cost of filling. The “Service” is then already included, i.e. the removal of the old or the insertion of the new filling.
I don’t think your headache has something to do with the amalgam fillings. If it were, that would actually be an exception.
Existing amalgam fillings which are not defective must be replaced. Amalgam is not as bad as his reputation. Amalgam fillings – if they have been worked cleanly and carefully – are more durable than plastic or composite fillings and are long not as dangerous as many people accept and/or claim. This is scientifically proven. For this reason, AM fillings are not prohibited.
Plastic fillings usually cause significantly more allergies than amalgam – this is also scientifically proven
In contrast, mercury vapors that can escape from amalgam are much more stressful (especially for ZÄ and personnel) – this happens when processing the amalgam, not with a cured AM filling that you have in your mouth.
Mercury is also contained in food, especially in fish and contaminated drinking water.
Amalgam is not responsible for any health problem, even though this is mainly homeopathic. Let’s not forget: A lot of money is made with the “execution” of Amalgam.
If you want to do something good for your teeth and value having good and durable fillings in your mouth, I can only advise you on gold inlays. I personally would. Although ceramic inlays are popular and naturally look great visually, there could be problems with the adhesive for the ceramic that does not wear every patient.
What’s in Kleba?
Are you sure it’s not your sinuses that are inflamed? I also have this, which then often skins on the teeth ( feels like a toothache). That’s what I’d explain before I let something go on my teeth.
Your dentist will tell you. We don’t know his cost bill.
and for drilling out intact amalgam fillings, others have already written something.
Amalgam damages at the moment when it becomes “abated” (similar to asbestos). So letting out intact amalgam fillings hurts much more than it does. And then only the suspicion that it might be better with your head?
The risk would be too big. And too expensive…
You’d better ask your dentist.. also have to discuss d7 with him what the health insurance would take.
yes asks my ZA, we write at GF.
doesn’t know why you’re here?
Zero Euro!
The health insurance fund takes over costs.
Zero Euro for ceramic and gold fillings!
Amalgam filling: remove or not? or-not/
the URL is not a confusing