Alle Altcoins in Bitcoin tauschen?

Ich überlegt aktuell, ob ich all meine Altcoinpositionen in Bitcoin umwandeln soll. Ich habe mich in letzter Zeit noch intensiver mit Btc befasst, als vor meinem Investment und mir geht der Gedanke nicht aus dem Kopf all in Bitcoin zu gehen. Man sagt ja Diversifizierung ist gut und Altcoins locken mit enormen Renditenpotential. Ca 40% sind bei mit aktuell in Btc, der Rest ist verteilt in Eth, Xrp & Ada…

Meine Fragen sind:

Haltet ihr auch Altcoins oder nur „only Bitcoin“? Und wieso habt ihr euch für eure Position(en) entschieden?

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1 year ago

I think only bitcoin but keep altcoins…. The stupidity of people will chase them again in the next bull cycle in altcoins. High returns are possible. In the short term higher than in the BTC. At least my thesis.

My old coin share is significantly lower. This is also a risky approach. Every old coins can be worthless tomorrow. Bitcoin is a lot more solid.

1 year ago

Your positions XRP and ADA say enough. These are two projects that do not have a future and are kept up syntetic.

In this case, I would definitely recommend rotating the two to BTC.

Nevertheless, it does not mean that there may be other cryptocurrencies that are more sensible than BTC or XRP and ADA.

The following applies: Do you need to know yourself. Apparently you are not able to research projects (because you would not have bought ADA and XRP).

That’s why BTC is a sensible alternative to not risk buying some shit.

1 year ago
Reply to  Frager47320

ADA is a cash grave of ETH co-founder, motto ADA makes no sense, company-oriented ETH… absolute bullshit.

I don’t want to start from XRP. You have to understand a bit what BTC is and what makes decentralization to see that XRP is a joke.

1 year ago

I can only give them on the way that “partnerships” in the crypto area are a clear symptom of scams. I remember when IOTA had a partnership with the “EU”.

That’s such things that you can easily recognize with the years.

Try to look at the projects more critically and maybe they will also notice what I see.

That you own ADA is another reason to assume that you don’t know the projects deeply enough before you invest.

1 year ago

Sorry, April 2021*

1 year ago

Do we see the same graph?

I don’t know if you’ve been following Ripple like me, but I’ve witnessed exactly what’s more hypocritical. March 21′ was a huge example, since that’s how project died for me. What do you think you bought so much XRP?
Right, Ripple. It was their attempt to remain relevant and you still see that demand does not rise and you soon have to intervene and buy their own tokens. Did you even know that?

Oh and BITTE, call me these banks xD

And show me the “partnerships”. I could laugh but I know it’s all part of the mash, so it’s rather sad…

1 year ago

This thesis is supported by technical insight and economic understanding. Therefore, it is so easy in the crypto area to shock people money because the least that understanding have certain projects to judge their value.

1 year ago

Yes, because ETH asked a technical breakthrough, XRP did not. It’s a Scam

1 year ago

I do not want to deny that there is this application. But that XRP is the solution that you will be able to use I can exclude almost 99%. By the way, Ethereum offers the same functionality and there is a long fiat support. The XRP price is artificial and you do everything you can to keep your “story” alive because for years you are simply spending money in which you buy your tokens.

1 year ago

If you understand Bitcoin and see it more than just an investment then yes!