Alle 2 Wochen krank was tun?
Hallo, ich habe ein Problem ich bin seit Ende Januar alle 2 Wochen krank. Meist habe ich zuerst am 1 Tag Halsschmerzen dann bekomme ich Schlappheit,Müdigkeit, Kopfschmerzen und leichtes Fieber. Ich habe meistens dann auch Durchfall und manchmal Übelkeit/ Appetitlosigkeit. Das geht meist 3 Tage so und danach ist alles wieder normal.
Jedoch passiert das circa alle 2 Wochen dadurch verpasse ich viel in der Schule was sehr unpraktisch ist. Vor Januar war ich nie so oft krank. Ich war schon beim Arzt und habe einen Bluttest gemacht. Bei dem ist nichts auffälliges Herausgekommen. Ich bin 16 Jahre alt.
Hat jemand ähnliche Probleme wie ich und was habt ihr dagegen getan ? Oder hat jemand vllt einen Verdacht was ich haben könnte.
Vielen Dank für alle Antworten jetzt schonmal im Voraus
The symptoms are not specific.
If that had lasted for more than three days, I would consider that there was an infect coming to the next (so I have been doing for a few weeks).
But the short duration is more likely to be opposed.
Except for the fever, this could possibly be a food incompatibility if the throat pain caused by reflux.
Otherwise, only some tropical diseases occurred to me, but this is unlikely (except you would have been in the tropics in January). Especially since the illnesses would be more violent.
I would go through various doctors, see what can be found in concrete terms. Are there any inflammations? If so where? Other incidents?
It’s really regular. So it’s always the same days every two weeks you get sick?
If so, see if there’s something different in your environment these days or just before.
Vllt you eat a little bit before or are in a place where you come into contact with any substances you do not dare.
It may be that you have a nutrient deficiency. Just like zinc, or vitamin D, C and the like are important for the immune system. How do you feed?
If you also have nausea and lack of appetite, it may be that you generally do not eat enough and therefore may have a subsistence of important nutrients and vitamins.
You better go to the doctor and let your blood examine.
Good improvement
Apparently, you didn’t get rid of the pathogen right now. Go back to the doctor, spare yourself and take prescribed antibiotics to the end.