
Hallo, ich bin 23 und möchte mich hier gern öffnen und eure Meinung erfahren.

Seitdem ich 18 bin trinke ich gelegentlich Alkohol das lief immer gut & ich habe bis ich ca 20 war nie über meine Grenze hinaus getrunken.

Als ich dann meinen Freund kennengelernt habe hat es angefangen das wir beide uns ab und an sehr stark betrunken haben – ich habe meine Grenzen ignoriert.

Naja das kam aber eher selten vor bis vor etwas über einem Jahr. Ich trinke maximal ein Mal im Monat, aber wenn dann so das ich ungefähr jedes 3. Mal (es ist jetzt 4 mal vorgekommen) totalen Mist baue. Ich denke mir Lügen aus, rufe Leute an, bin gemein (vor allem dann zu meinem Freund), stelle mich in die Opferrolle, bin eifersüchtig, weine oder werde hysterisch & habe ihn sogar einmal schon beleidigt und angeschrien obwohl er wirklich gar nichts gemacht hat!
Ich habe die Kontrolle vollkommen über mich selbst verloren und war ein komplett anderer Mensch.

Ich weiß auch nicht warum genau ich das mache, also für Aufmerksamkeit oder weil ich Situationen falsch interpretiere und komplett durcheinander bringe oder beides.

Am nächsten Tag konnte ich mich auch meist an nicht mehr viel erinnern. Das hab ich aber nie als so dramatisch gesehen und auch irgendwie gar nicht hinterfragt (weil ich dachte immer ich bin Jung & ich bin nicht die einzige aus meiner Freundesgruppe die ab und an mal über den Durst trinkt) bis es halt zu der Eskalation mit meinem Freund kam.

Er war ein wenig sauer, aber sieht das nicht all zu dramatisch nur ein wenig peinlich, weil halt ein Freund von uns im Nebenzimmer war und das sicher gehört haben wird.

Ich selbst würde mich nicht als Alkoholiker bezeichnen, da ich es auch gut aushalten könnte wenn ich jetzt eine Zeit lang nichts trinke. Ich weiß auch wo mein Problem liegt und das ist bei der Menge die ich trinke! Ich trinke sehr schnell hintereinander und merke gar nicht wie ich in den Zustand der kompletten Verstandslosigkeit „reinrutsche“. Ich hab auch nie irgendwie Wasser dazwischen getrunken oder darauf geachtet das ich davor etwas esse. Im Gegenteil ich war eigentlich auch immer die, die andere „motiviert“ und noch länger auf einer Party oder im Club bleiben will.

Ja und jetzt bin ich an dem Punkt wo ich mir endlich mal Gedanken darum gemacht habe und das nicht mehr so hinnehmen möchte, weil im Endeffekt ist niemand anderes außer ich an meinem Verhalten schuld und ich möchte deswegen auch keine Freunde verlieren.

Ich möchte trotzdem noch ab und an in Grenzen etwas trinken, aber nie wieder so das ich mich und mein Verhalten rechtfertigen und in frage stellen muss.

Ich weiß das einige sicher der Meinung sind, ich sollte ganz die Finger von Alkohol lassen und nie wieder etwas trinken, aber ich weiß ja das ich wenn ich darauf achte und Alkohol nicht missbrauche auch normal darauf reagiere.

Wie ist deine Meinung dazu & denkst du ich kann mein Bild in den Augen anderer wieder verbessern oder ist man jetzt für immer als die die zu viel trinkt abgestempelt?

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Alena von Mindzone
6 months ago


you have really described your thoughts very comprehensible. I find it very strong how good you can reflect! You take responsibility for your behavior, can correctly arrange it, know what is important to you and seek support. For a very big praise, this is really great! 🙂

By mid-20, the body is still in development in growth and brain. Any noise can have a negative impact on development. It is therefore useful to wait with the decoy and first strengthen your personality in the sober state.

Such alcohol abuse usually has a reason to find out.

I would recommend you to a drug consultancy agency:

On DigiSucht ( you can look for advice in your area and make an appointment for online advice or advice on site.

The desire to drink in the future is understandable. But it would be helpful to do without it first to create a zero line for you and to deal with your emotions soberly.

If you want to drink, you can pay attention to the following:

  • Consider how much you want to drink and make sure that there is no more available. Also plan non-alcoholic drinks and more on Shots
  • Eat enough and consume only if you feel good and with yourself. Do not consume badly, nor with too good mood!
  • Set a solid drinking-end time, as well as a fixed home-time
  • Use only in environments that don’t overexcite you. Loud music, many emotions, many people – clubs can really be challenging for the nervous system
  • Find a quiet place and watch your body and state
  • Use a circle of friends: Talk to a friend that you write to her once the hour as you are.

If you like to write me a message via a friendship request, we can talk about your problem and see what suits you well.

I work as a social educator at the Mindzone project (acceptance-oriented drug work) and am on the go as a digital street worker online. (Online mostly Mo-Do 09:00-14:00)

Best regards,

Alena from mindzone-DigiStreetTeam

Alena von Mindzone
6 months ago

In general, I can put to everyone who tries alcohol to deal with alcohol quantities: If you know your limit, there is an alcohol calculator: the result is always only indicative values!

The promille number depends on the drunken amount as well as on sex and body weight. The body rebuilds about 0.1 promille per hour, so in 7 hours approx. 0.7 promille.

I work at the minzone project (Insta: @mindzone.wuerzburg) and we have a quiz about alcohol at our information booth, where you have to assign how much alcohol is in what drinking quantity or where more is inside. So for example: What has more alcohol – a 0.5l beer or a double shot?

And it is actually terrifying how little practical knowledge about alcohol is present or has been taught to us, while alcohol is so socially accepted and widespread.

6 months ago

Hello neliaaomio!

It’s nice that you’ve been thinking about alcohol problems and have become aware 👍😊

You’re by no means stamped as those who drink too much.

If, then don’t give up with these people (more) or just ignore them. Then you have a little easier in life.

But let you say: 100 – 200 g of alcohol per week reduce life expectancy by half a year on average, 200 – 350 g by 2 years and more than 350 g by 5 years.

There was no difference in studies. Male and female.

If you are healthy and drink less than 100g alcohol, it does not harm health or hardly harm.

Anyone who enjoys a bottle of beer every night already counts among the alcoholics. Beer is not a basic food as often said, although made from hops.

You get used to everyday life even without alcohol and if boredom accompanies you, you know it’s time to try something new.

People who have been treated for alcohol dependence or no longer drink alcohol should remain abstinent. The risk of a relapse is otherwise very high.

Greetings Sarkasie

6 months ago


You could make a conversation in a search counselor. They know each other well, and maybe they can give some tips. Before you really slip into alcohol addiction.

6 months ago

Since you can’t control it, you need help from the outside. Promise it with your doctor before you slip deeper into alcohol addiction.

6 months ago

but I know that when I look after it and do not abuse alcohol also normally react to it

also a strong alcoholic, would react normally if he were careful not to abuse alcohol.

Your statements are very suspicious to me. you’ve got any thoughtful excuse.

there are various forms of alcoholics, even quaternary alcoholics or those who drink once a month.

a search is not just “you tremble without the substance and you need it in the morning” – is looking for a regularity. if you can’t and/or no longer want without the substance, and that’s the case with you. You don’t give up because (please insert a reason here that’s unreasonable).

it’s your decision, but if you keep doing this, the distances will eventually become shorter and the quantities will be larger.

No one in this world has become alcoholic from today to tomorrow. this is a sleek process that takes JAHRE. the people who are sitting in the AA’s today have just begun.

6 months ago

You lost control, and that’s why you’re not gonna do it alone. You should find help.

Otherwise you will lose control every time you drink and behave.

Leave the alcohol completely away, then your image will improve.

6 months ago

You’re far from an alcoholic. You don’t have to worry about it.

What is the case with you – and with every third, that you cannot measure. There’s such a nice saying:

A beer is too little, a box is not enough.

This is simply at the reward center in the brain that you want more and more.

No one forbids you to be “major” that doesn’t make you an alcoholic (:

6 months ago

You don’t have any alcohol problem as I hear it out, but you’re making problems with alcohol. The fact that one crosses borders is the same for most. If it’s extreme, you might have problems you need to process. To “soak up” must not be a bad thing if you have some control. Life is full of responsibilities and rules that you like to forget with alcohol.
If you have a strong friend, think about a marriage and children, while most are calmer, 23 is not too early for that.

6 months ago

I believe that your problem is quite different and the occasional full-acidity is just the valve.

6 months ago

Alcohol consumption mainly damages the liver, with consequent diseases such as fatty livers etc.

For safety reasons, the liver parameters > gammagt./transaminases should be controlled, possibly with an additional sono of abdomen, in order to diagnose whether the liver is damaged or not.

Please contact your family doctor first! That’s what you see.

6 months ago

you are alcoholic and should urgently and quickly enter into therapy. keep you away from alcohol and situations that bring you in because you are not under control

6 months ago

search and find the way to the “anonymous alcoholics”, you are the classic example of alcoholic career. it’s not too late.

6 months ago

All you do under “I’m not addicted because” are things that do not necessarily have to be the case with addiction or occur relatively late. When you’re in the beginning.

But you identified the cause. Just leave it in the future. Slowly drink, eat before, drink less. If it’s really you, the control of the alcohol instead of the other way, shouldn’t it be a problem?

Drinking with control loss, so drink to the blackout without possibility to decide “that was enough now” is an indicator for looking. Because then you don’t try to drink. If you can’t just stop crashing, you might want to make some thoughts about it 😕