(Alkoholische) Getränke mit in den Flieger nehmen (Koffer, nicht Handgepäck)
Hallo! Ich fliege morgen in den Urlaub nach Mallorca. Dahin möchte ich gerne eine Flasche Sake mitnehmen. Die Flasche ist schon angebrochen, falls das wichtig ist. Es ist eine 75cl Flasche, wo noch ca. 3/4 drin sind. Darf ich die Flasche so ohne weiteres im Koffer mitnehmen? Die 100ml-Regel für’s Handgepäck ist mir bekannt, aber wie sieht es da mit dem Koffer aus?
If you are allowed to take with you, it is not recommended (at least with full bottles).
Temperatures up to -50° prevail in the unconditioned cargo hold – this is so cold that even low-percentage alcoholic beverages freeze.
You know the rest from the class or the local freezer: bottle + freeze = peng and sourcing.
in the frying room -50 degrees? the animals that are then transported there all have a winter coat on or?
Not all aircraft have air-conditioned cargo spaces!
on mallorca, is there enough to drink? Why must there be a bottle of sake?? but is your ding!! pack him well in the case (the nix is broken) and then you don’t have a human thing about 0.6 liter!!
beautiful holiday 😀
Call your airport and ask for that no one can answer 100%.
you can take. Since Sake has over 24% alcohol, you can take a maximum of 5 litres in the baggage 🙂 What about (I think that was) 75% is forbidden again. But Sake doesn’t have that much I know.
So F’schgeid’n in caffea?
May you.