

ich war als Kind extrem magersüchtig, meine Mutter hängt an der Flasche seit ich denken kann. Habe viel Gewalt erlebt. U.a. auch langjährigen sexuellen Missbrauch. Vater ist früh an Krankheit verstorben. War trotzdem immer Klassenbeste und studiere mittlerweile sehr erfolgreich. Meine Mutter gönnt mir nichts und ist von Neid zerfressen. Was denkt ihr? Kommt sowas häufiger vor, dass man trotzdem ein Medzinstudium aufnehmen kann mit der Biographie?

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1 year ago

Hi, the groups I mentioned are groups for members of Alkohlikers. You’re a researcher. There are other groups, you can look in your city, your circle, where there is a self-help center. The guesses usually. There are also groups for adult children of addicts or Alkis.

Co-dependence and certainly also further effects on the life of children from addiction families are often similar to those affected, so the group can help to identify the features and find solutions.

1 year ago

No, I don’t think so, but I think it’s really great that you’ve put on the strength and thought of you – your future that you’ve fought yourself. Of course, you’ve successfully displaced so far. You will also notice this in everyday life, your corners and edges. If your mother makes you stress – cap your contact or set your limits.

When your past catches up and you notice You lose more and more – make an appointment with the psychologist in time.

1 year ago

That you felt “triggered” in a situation and reacted too emotionally – angry, sad or helpless. But you actually know and your everyday life works.

1 year ago

A very fitting thought. If you don’t learn what is appropriate, and in addiction families a lot is absolutely destructive, you can’t guess that later. You can see his behavior through the disturbed glasses of what you learned and often cannot appreciate yourself. Learning reality checks is important. Especially if the family is or was dysfunctional.

1 year ago

Is it more common that you can still take a medic study with the biography?

When people experience such a bad childhood, it’s a miracle if they can handle their lives. Packing such a challenging study is probably an even bigger miracle.

I wish you a lot of strength and stamina – with all your heart.

1 year ago


One third of the children who have an alcoholic parent become alcoholic. Another third is ‘typical relatives’, neglecting themselves because it thinks to help others. The last third develops resilience. What do you mean, how many people who grew up with an alcoholic parent are now sitting on top of the list or being successful artists. Browse the page disease/grown-in/ that recommended you. I grew up with alcoholic mother.

1 year ago


Yeah, I think so. With me, the last few years have also gone far beyond the glimpse, and now I’m heading for a study in mathematics.

MfG, Codeline

1 year ago

The biography will be evaluated when you are admitted to your studies as far as I do not know, so it should not stop you if you are willing to do so. It is more difficult with such a background to complete a study than if you have a supportive family behind you, but definitely not impossible.

I wish you a lot of success and don’t let your mother demotivate you!

1 year ago

Good evening,

Yes, this happens in your situation, but not as often as with students from good home. That’s why it deserves a lot of respect.

1 year ago

So I also went with my mother and also father, both have drunk and mistreated me, I am torn out with 15 years, have married a man too early, who has also beaten me, I am torn out again and then have built up my own life, become a healer, have found the right partner, and have got 2 children and lead a happy life and am proud of me.

1 year ago

There are many successful people who had hard times behind them. The ones come up and the others go down.

1 year ago

This already happens, but is more unlikely than students from richer/stable environments.

1 year ago

I’m just wondering why you’re starting to two-five now. You’ve fought so far. Anyway, I don’t know why you couldn’t study medicine.