
Guten Abend ich weiß einfach nicht mehr weiter ich Trinke mittlerweile jeden Tag Alkohol immer wenn ich in den Laden gehe um einzukaufen greife ich zum Alkohol obwohl ich es eigentlich gar nicht möchte bevor gesagt wird such dir hilfe oder sprich mit bekannten ich habe niemanden mehr

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2 years ago

Having no one is really bad.

But you see your problem and register here.

Of course there is no patent prescription.

From 12 steps groups, like the anonymous alcoholic, I personally do not hold much.

But this is different from person to person.

For some, this rigid form of meetings makes sense.

Personally, I find the local crusade better.

It is spoken quite normal and it is also allowed to demand and it is not as sectious as the anonymous alcoholic.

If you don’t have social networks, a self-help group would actually be very good.

I wish you to find a way for you without living alcohol.

It is about the way to a satisfied abstinence.

The alcohol performs a function.

Just leaving him will leave a gap you need to fill.

With constructive things.

Missing social contacts are certainly a main point.

And the years from 2020 were actually devastating for lonely people.

Drinking alone at home makes a quicker alcoholic.

2 years ago


there are search advice centres that are anonymous and free of charge.

Because what exactly hopes You here if not the urgent advice to seek help?

A addiction arises from a high suffering pressure and as long as you do not treat it, the addiction remains.

aalbtraum, UserMod Light

It’s good that you recognized it yourself and want to change it. Even if you don’t think you have any more, there are some help you can perceive. The anonymous alcoholic, a self-help community, has already been linked to you. Alternatively or in addition, you can also contact experts. The advice is confidential, non-binding, free and just a call far away →

Good and great success!