Alkoholentzug alleine zu Hause?
Ich bin in meinen frühen 20ern und trinke trotz gutem Umfeld eine halbe bis ganze Flasche Vodka pro Tag. Ich kann mir selbst dabei nicht mehr zuschauen wie ich mein Leben weg werfe, ich werde aufhören.
Problem: Kann aus privaten Gründen keines Falls ambulant oder stationär entziehen.
Einen kalten Entzug will ich nicht machen, ich habe zu viel Angst vor dem Delirium tremens. Wie kann ich das ALLEINE verhindern? Ist es eine gute Idee, heute mit 5 Bier zu starten und jeden Tag eines weniger trinken?
A recognition of the AA: ‘Only you can do it, but you can’t do it alone!’ Here you will find people who have managed to get dry and even sober and like to share with you how they managed to:
It’s amazing that you want to recognize your problem and do something about it, but a good idea is most likely only with professional help. Precisely in order to avoid falls as far as possible, it is advisable to start a therapy (which does not necessarily have to be stationary)
The problem is, it almost always fails.
And even if, the danger of the delir is not gone, because the decisive factor is your consumption once the withdrawal begins.
Mounting 1 bottle Vodka
Tuesday 5 beer
Wednesday 4 beer
Sunday Danger of Delirium
Go to the pediatrician, there are various possibilities.
From the Delir I only recently know that there is that at all. Before I knew, I didn’t drink anything from time to time for a week – and I didn’t get a delir. Is that a sign that I’m not susceptible to this?
Find it impressive how little you find on the Internet. Everywhere only “go to the doctor or let you in”… nevertheless, be sure or bad to go to the family doctor as I am constantly afraid of the delir and hypochondriere
And although I don’t like alcohol at the moment, I should drink today, right? I can go to the family doctor at the earliest tomorrow.
Nobody here can tell you if it comes.
That is why there can be only one advice and that is just not to try it alone, but to let a doctor decide.
I think it’s great that you want to stop. but with “simple-not-more-trinken” the whole thing is not done. with the consumption, everyone can stop at some point. is important, however, that you get dry in the head – and unfortunately it only goes with a therapy. you need to find out where the origin of your disease is and treat it with a therapy.
because alcohol addiction is now a relapse disease and without treatment of the psyche a relapse is quasi guaranteed.
and if you have withdrawal symptoms you need appropriate medication, partly valium or similar, so nothing can be prescribed by a doctor.
So there’s no idea why you can’t get out of the outpatient or stagnant – I think you can, you just don’t want it because it scratches your ego. it is important to stand what you have, because you can’t change it anyway: “Give me the calmness to accept the things that I can’t change” (The AA’s saying)
Turn to a professional Drug consulting.
Dangerous. Talk to a doctor for the first time.
Why life-threatening if I slowly metered down?
I’m not a doctor, but I’ve been to a detox station before. Some people need medis because of exploding blood pressure and delirium tremens.