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aalbtraum, UserMod Light

In what order the substances are to be taken, I think it is rather marginal. The dosage is decisive.

The Drugscouts give the following relevant warning to this combination:

The alcohol effect is enhanced and the cannabis effect is covered, the combination can cause nausea and (strong) circulatory problems.

Note that both smoked cannabis and drunk alcohol begin to work within minutes, but it can take a little while until the effects of a dosage reach their maximum intensity. For cannabis good up to half an hour and good up to an hour for alcohol.

Then, of course, the advantage of the alcohol is that you know exactly how much active ingredient you take up with a swallow. In cannabis, this is more or less unclear. This plant contains numerous active ingredients which, depending on the variety and cultivation conditions, can be present in more or less large quantities and determine the overall effect.

How this combination affects you, you only know when you take it.

1 year ago

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