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2 years ago

Join the others and say the alcohol is worse.

After 4 months of break, your dopamine stores have almost completely filled up again, during alcohol consumption you kill cells and they are not simply revived

2 years ago

Alcohol and mdma can’t be compared. There are two completely different substances!
Both alcohol and mdma have clear and dangerous disadvantages.

While alcohol generally has no major effects in small amounts, Mdma has a much more dangerous effect in my eyes, just on the cardiovascular system. If you’re smart, you’ll leave Mdma IMMER away and enjoy alcohol to measure.

2 years ago


but such questions are always relatively

mdma destroys only synapses

alcohol kills

aalbtraum, UserMod Light

Neither the monthly complete acidification nor the tertiary MDMA use can be considered healthy. It is still to be assumed that a person who badly deals with alcohol cannot handle MDMA better.

Otherwise, I would like to refer to my answer to the strangely similar question from the user Lucas798: Alcohol or ecstasy?,

2 years ago

Hi. !

Interesting question.

This is mainly due to the dose.

When we talk about the normal dose of both substances (i.e. the amount of substance needed to achieve a state of noise), alcohol is much more problematic if one adheres to the Safer-Use rules.

Alcohol kills cells, MDMA destroys nerve ends (synapses).

Interesting study on personal and foreign harm to the most common drugs (David Nutt):

Also ineressant:


2 years ago

Depends on the crowd.

Hands out