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I ignore that.Beer and wine is even healthy and healthier as a tranquilizer.
Then excessive food and overweight should also be rejected as the damage would be higher. There are enough alcoholics who were older than anti-alcoholics
Has been answered here yesterday:
The fact that alcohol is also unhealthy in small amounts has long been known. Since at least 2021, the Federal Agency for Health Enlightenment has advised to completely dispense with alcohol. Also among professional athletes it is long known that alcohol is bad for fitness.
The recommendation of DGE will not cause all people to stop drinking alcohol. But perhaps it raises public awareness about the risks of alcohol consumption. Some myths are still widespread that alcohol is healthy in small amounts. These are now thoroughly refuted.
I find very good. one of the most toxic substances ever.
Did they ever recommend drinking?
With us in nutrition, it was always called “it is not to say against the glass of wine in the evening”, but it was certainly not a recommendation to drink a glass of wine 365 days a year. Recommendation was always “without being healthier”.
Alcohol is like candy Pleasure– No food, right? So it doesn’t need a recommendation because there is no need (you don’t need an alcohol to work the body).
Good attitude because ciffs are much healthier. At least one assumes “feeding”.
Alcohol has always been a drug and only useful for external use.
That’s it. Get out of here.
It’s a fact and there’s no excuse.
But everyone has to decide what it makes
I wish you a nice evening