Alkohol mit 16?
Hey ich habe in letzer zeit viel zu viel alkohol getrunken (mehrmals pro woche) aber dann auch richtig und ich bin hald erst 16. Ich wollte erstmal aufhören für ein paar monate aber wollte trotzdem mal wissen ob ich irgendwelche folgen des alkoholkunsum der letzten monate bekommen werde.
(Ich weiß das es dumm von mir war bitte verurteil mich nicht)
If you’re bad luck, it hurt you. This can not be repaired with a drinking pause, because the liver can only decompose a small amount (highest 13 grams) of alcohol when the body is matured at 21 years. Alcohol that is not degraded is the cause of over 200 different diseases. These diseases are diabolical in their development: You don’t notice it for many years that they develop in your body. During puberty, even genetic changes can occur. Here you will find what the DHS has published last month: recommendations-for-transition-with-alcohol-so-schaedlich-ist-alcohol-real-100.html
Good morning! Alcohol always hurts, you know the short-term consequences. It hurts the organs and the brain only if you are still in growth. But if you’ve only been drinking for two or three months, it’ll fix itself. That’s why it’s very good you want to take a break. Maybe you’ll feel the first time, because the alcohol is still stress for the body. But that’s gonna be okay, I guess. If you think you have permanent physical damage, ask your doctor. This is also inconspicuous (“I would like to make a check up, because lately…”)
Alcohol also makes mentally dependent. So consider why you suddenly drank so much in what situations. With us at the time in the circle of friends it was often when someone had boredom or stress or with people who felt very alone. There’s always some reason. The alcohol is often a bad substitute for something. Think about what you need instead and talk to someone about it. It helps to keep you through and have a good time without alcohol.
If you realize you don’t get it on your own, go to a consultancy office. They’ll help you. Generally, I think you don’t have to be ashamed of drinking, and nobody should judge you. And you’re not alone with it. Many young people have such a phase. But take care of yourself! In the long run, the alcohol breaks one.
And if you miss delicious taste, try soft cocktails. If they are well done: Extremely delicious!
I wish you all the best!
At the age this is dangerous because you hardly notice symptoms of excessive alcohol consumption, but you get used to alcohol as a problem solver.
That’s the preliminary stage to the sick alcohol addict.
permanent brain damage e.g.