Alkohol gegen Angst?

Ich brauche dringend Rat. Mein Freund hat eine Alkohol Sucht. Er trinkt nicht aus Langeweile, sondern dann, wenn es ihm psychisch nicht gut geht. Mit dem Alkohol denkt er nicht mehr so viel nach und grübelt nicht. Außerdem kommen so keine Angst- und Panikattacken. Er war bereits 4x in Entzugstherapie. Leider erfolglos.

er will aufhören und weiß dass es nichts bringt, aber er wird immer öfters rückfällig .

Hat jemand vielleicht Ideen was man noch machen kann?

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1 year ago


Since you’re writing that you’ve been 4 x for withdrawal, turn to the Anonymous Alcoholics. You can see if you even want to stop with the alcohol. If you don’t have the wish, nothing helps: you will continue to baptize. Pretty far down you can find First Aid Team .

1 year ago

Why are you talking about “a friend” with alcohol addiction, even though you yourself are saying:

I was already 4x in withdrawal therapy.

You also wrote on 05/03 in a question of even suffering from anxiety and panic attacks.

As long as you do not acknowledge your (alcoholic) behavior, the best advice is for the cat.
If you really feel bad about your alcohol use, not a laity forum like a good question – but a drug consultation.

1 year ago
Reply to  MoJan162

If your friend has an alcohol problem and is aware, the same tip applies to him: drug counseling.

1 year ago

On the other hand, you should deal with the term “co-dependence”

1 year ago

The only thing ERDF can make is a withdrawal.

You can only talk to him. That’s all.

It’s up to him whether he’s taking the move or not.

1 year ago

may I be

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