Alkohol bei go jugendreise?
Hallo ich und meine Freundinnen fahren im Sommer mit Go-Jugenreise vermutlich nach Viareggio. Wir sind 16 Jahre alt und es gibt dort eine Party Nacht die man dazu buchen kann, jedoch wird dort nur ein alkoholfreier Cocktail angeboten. Kann man dort dann richtigen Alkohol kaufen und trinken?
In Italy alcohol is prohibited under 18, beer and wine must not be sold to minors.
What do they need alcohol to amuse themselves?
do not need but without alcohol we do not go to the club
so you need…
Yes it is, which blind man can be triggered by a question that has nothing to do with him?
and alcohol is the decision criterion?
I don’t know if I’m supposed to book this, but I wouldn’t meet any new people, because I’m just going with those who’re in the camp
Okay, what’s the problem?
Besides, I always thought clubs were going to dance and meet people…
no there is also the possibility of simply not going to the club because you don’t need that;)