Welche Alkohole entstehen bei der Gährung? Nur Ethanol oder noch andere ?
Welche Alkohole entstehen bei der Gährung? Nur Ethanol oder noch andere ?
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Many different alcohols are formed, from one to a very many carbons – longer-chain alcohols less than short-chain alcohols.
Di- and triols too. And not only alcohols, but also aldehydes and acids.
The art of the cellar master also consists in the selection of yeasts, which predominantly form ethanol and a few tasty by-products.
Yes, a whole range of alcohols are produced, and they can also be controlled depending on the type of sugar and bacterial strains. Then things such as temperatures, secondary substrates, etc. play a role. The metabolized sugars are usually hexoses, so that from methanol to n-hexaneol everything is involved and some isoalcohols can also be found.
If you do not also take care of methanol and this is converted into formaldehyde and then into cyanic acid
How do you care?
I don’t know. But methanol is really very dangerous. See what to do on the Internet
The normal path leads via formaldyd to AntsAcid.
Formica = lat. Ameise.
Formic acid is hydrocyanic acid
Methanol is from a certain amount only harmful to whom you buy alcohol in the supermarket there is always a small amount of methanol in it, and it splits into formaldehyde and formic acid which is also dangerous but hydrocyanic acid cannot arise.
What you write are obligations of government
I can’t hear what you say. What you write is garbage.
Hahahahahahaha I say
No. Why don’t you inform yourself at the latest when you make a mistake? Blue acid=HCN, formic acid=HCOOH.
Thank you
Methanol is almost always produced during fermentation and can also be drunk without problems in small amounts. Depending on the product, there is a corresponding limit value which is controlled accordingly.