Alienware Festplatte aufrüsten möglich?

Hallo liebe Community,

ich habe einen Alienware m15 p79f001 Gaminglaptop.

Aktuell sind folgende Festplatten verbaut:

kxg60znv512g nvme toshiba (512gb)

st1000lx015-1u7172 (1TB)

Hier ein Ausschnitt aus dem Handbuch:

Sehe ich das richtig, dass ich nur die 512gb ssd auf 1tb ssd aufrüsten könnte?

Und eventuell die 1TB Festplatte ebenfalls gegen eine 1TB SSD tauschen könnte?

Ich habe auch schon den Akku ausgebaut weswegen theoretisch Platz da wäre für eine dritte Festplatte, allerdings wenn ich das richtig sehe ist das nicht mögich?!

Hauptsächlich stört mich die Performance der zweiten Festplatte. Hier sind fast alle Spiele installiert und das Laden dauert elendig lange! (Laut Taskmanager bei Spielstart immer zu 99-100% ausgeastet).

In zweiter Instanz ist natürlich mehr Platz auch cool 😀

Vielen Dank vorab!

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11 months ago


you have 3 different hard drives slots.

Of which 2 different M.2.

The SATA Seagate FireCuda is a hybrid SSHD 1TB with 64GB cash.
She’s running over the M.2 Intel Optane?
That’s “double pooping”.

There is no wonder that newer games are loaded so slowly.

So it would be easiest to replace the M.2 Toshiba XG6 NVMe.
And maybe the second M.2 slot.

Then you make two 1TB M.2 NVMe memory in,
and shut down the Sata SSHD Seagate Lauwerk.
You can then use the SSHD with corresponding adapters as an external drive.

Or you replace the SSHD with a 1TB SSD.
With only one M.2 1TB NVMe.

Hope this is about the same:


11 months ago
Reply to  BayerBest


you always have to SATA; M.2 NVMe and M.2 AHCI.

These are three different things.

For the NVMe then on its controller and firmware (or updates).

The easiest way is to get a Samsung NVMe M.2 980Pro 1TB. Samsung builds its own controller, also for others like Crucial.

If they don’t work, you can still give them back.

And not such a cheap M.2 NVMe from “who weis where from”.

The device is no longer so deaf.
2TB NVMe could work.
Just try.


11 months ago


the same controllers and the same clock speed,

makes the CPU easier, and everything becomes much more liquid.

Especially at Shooter Ballergames.


11 months ago

Both of you!

Renew the 1TB SSHD.

Enlarge the NVme.

Clon the two NVMe if you can.

Or just reimbursed, because the alien should be one,

have electronic key.

But that’s another story.

Can be done gradually.

Only replace the SSHD with an SSD.



11 months ago

I’d do that.

I can talk. I had a thing hanging on the wall.

Otherwise, I’ll take Crucial, because they’re running with HP.

And exchange the SSHD for an HDD.

Expanding RAM would also be useful.


11 months ago

I would be interested in the performance of the two hard drives. Can you benchmark them with CrystalDiskMark and upload the screenshots of the results here? Thank you.

11 months ago
Reply to  BayerBest

Okay, thanks, this is the fast 512 GB SSD. How are the values of 1 TB hard drive?

11 months ago
Reply to  BayerBest

Very tidy for a HDD.


11 months ago

Well, that’s why it’s all so badly marching, the 1 TB HDD is 24 times slower than your m.2 NVMe!

Otherwise, you can do it as Kerner has described it to you.

Good luck!

11 months ago


enough time for a coffee.
