Alibaba Gabelstapler?

ich habe auf youtube viele videos gesehen, wo Leute sich einen Alibaba Bagger (einen kleinen) bestellen und die sind anscheinend extrem gut. lLaufen auch nach 800h nich super etc!

dann Gibt es auch noch SUVs und andere Autos und die sind halt dementsprechend schlecht (also für 3000€).

ich habe auf alibaba geguckt und die haben da auch Gabelstapler, ab 800€. Denkt ihr, dass die eher gut sind wie die Bagger oder Rotz wie die Autos?

Vielleicht habt ihr ja auch erfahrung damit?

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1 month ago

Sure, then you are importers, so you have to introduce things to the TÜV and carry out a single withdrawal, of course, you have to rebuild the box beforehand and that will be either more unnecessary so expensive that you can buy something right in this country too.

we have not spoken of the import quotas…

1 month ago

High quality and “more expensive techn.” I would not buy products abroad, or even in FERN-Ost already alone when I think of the warranty.
If there’s anything on it, the engine doesn’t “run” or anything else….you come up. alone.

Because you can only send claims to China, but they will dry you like the flower in the sun.

It doesn’t make sense, not private.

1 month ago

Well, you must bear in mind that the transport costs(withm ship, 5 tons of stapler, only from the harbour in china nac germany to already 800-900€, depending on how far it must be over the country at 1500€ for transport), tariffs (for gabelstaplern you pay anti-dumping duty, I mean about 30-50%) etc. And the 800€ are also usually the basic variant, the anch equipment is usually significantly more.

At the end you will be at least 3000€.

1 month ago

whether the idea is so good?
Then you are the importer, you have to make sure that all EU regulations are fulfilled by the part, and woe this is not the case and there is something happening with it – then the obsession will tear you up the poppes.

This can lead ruck-zuck to financial ruin.