Algorithmen lernen?
Hallo an Alle 🙂
Ich gackere zwar gerade über ungelegte Eier, aber weil ich schon zweimal darauf gestoßen bin, wollte ich gerne Eure Fachkenntnisse in Anspruch nehmen:
Ich will demnächst (wie immer man dies jetzt auch definieren will) Programmieren lernen. Ein User auf GF hat mir als Einstieg Python empfohlen, gepaart mit dem Hinweis, dass man danach trotzdem eine (oder mehrere) weitere Programmiersprache(n) lernen kann, wenn man denn eine “auf Kette” hat.
Nun wurde ich auf zwei (englischsprachige) Bücher aufmerksam gemacht, die sich explizit mit Algorithmen beschäftigen (einmal für totale Anfänger, einmal mit 50 Algorithmen, die jeder Programmierer kennen sollte).
Ist es sinnvoll, sich diese Bücher zuzulegen oder ist das Thema Algorithmus in deutschsprachigen “Programmieren lernen” Büchern mehr als gut abgedeckt?
Für die Antworten bedanke ich mich im Voraus
I don’t know these books, but I would say that it is generally sensible and exciting, with common algorithms e.g. for sorting or searching. For the reason to train his thinking in algorithms and get to know new techniques.
In the beginning, many of these algorithms are certainly exciting. It is also very good to have an understanding of what is commonly used.
Hello tobisa1418,
Thank you for your answer. You speak a very important point – as I find – that I had no consciousness at all: to train thinking in algorithm and learn new techniques.
Thank you for that.
P.S. I think you should never give up, no matter how young or old you are:-)
If you talk about “50 algorithms…” or “40 algorithms…” from packs, then I can’t recommend it. The books focus – or rather limit – on sorting and search algorithms as well as data structures. Nothing you should spend about 40€.
There is enough to read on the Internet. And that’s good too, because you’ll write as good as no sort or search engines – because there’s libs for that. It is of course advantageous to know how these algorithms are constructed and how the methods work. But as I said, 40€ – no.
I had to look at the publishers of this book or books. You’re actually from Packt.
But: I found the two mentioned books on Humblebundle, and that is what you mentioned with 21 more (to other computer topics) for just under 17 €.
The first (i.e. for absolute beginners) is pearson and is one of 23 books for almost 24 €.
(For those of pearson, by the way, it is so that I actually find some more that awaken my interest. It is much less packed, but these are unfortunately in the 17€ stage :-/)
All are English and pure PDFs.
Oh, on occasion: Thank you for your answer, I almost accidentally forgot that:-(
Okay, that explains the price – I usually buy books in paper form. Sitting pretty much all day before the screen, that is not healthy anyway.
If you could make such a snapshot, take the eBooks with you. It doesn’t hurt.
If they are written in English, it is all the better. Nowadays, books are usually translated with a translation program and there’s only garbage coming out. In addition, in English:)
Have fun reading/learning and like to happen 🙂
I have to confirm. I once hunted a Pen & Paper role game in English through the Google Translator. After that, I had to do enough to bring the causal cat into reasonable sentences.
I’m not a programmer but I love reading and changing it code.
The easiest thing is to learn about YouTube or websites like
What you can try is to start with websites to understand the structure. [HTML, CSS, JS]
What some underestimate is the power of ChatGPT. Use it daily to learn. I’ll explain the code I have before me and try to understand. Or I’ll get a code generated and change it according to my preference.
You can also get projects from others via GitHub that have been written in your desired language and try to understand what’s inside and, if possible, change the code (colors, size or positions of windows).
If you wish, I can give you my lessons. It’s just websites. [HTML, CSS, JS]
Thank you very much for your answer.
Yes, HTML and CSS are also on my list of languages I want to learn. Only with JavaScript I am skeptical as I want to go to accessibility, and I know that JS is just the opposite of it.
Regardless of this, I believe that using HTML/CSS (on occasion: is it true that there is or should be a CSS 4 now?) learns so much about the structure.
And thanks for the link: I will look at the page once 🙂
Without JavaScript, many dynamic modules can not be designed to be barrier-free at all (unless you want to reload the page completely when changing the page).
An important requirement for barrier-free websites are elements that can clearly communicate their current status. In an accordion, this would be, for example, the status of an accordion tab (is it currently folded up or closed?). The dynamic status change can only be achieved with a programming language running in the browser.
You don’t need to wait for an explicit version 4. CSS is a living standard. The So technology is constantly evolving (from W3C and browser developers). Version names (as at the time) Version 3) were rather marketing language to illustrate that there was a greater push of many new features.
JS is quite funny and has much more to do with programming than HTML and CSS
Hello Regex9,
also thank you for your answer.
This is true, but for what I want to implement, I want to use static pages.
What I find quite terrible on the occasion is when someone creates a static side with JS and then explains: Well, I did that because I can.
That’s right! HTML and CSS are award languages, but JS is a script language