ALG und Minijob?

Hallo… ich hatte gelesen, dass sich der Freibetrag von 165 Euro erhöht, wenn man innerhalb der letzten 18 Monate mindestens 12 Monate eine Nebenbeschäftigung ausgeübt hat. Ich finde nirgendwo etwas, dass das unbedingt beim selben AG gewesen sein muss. Nun wurde mir von der Telefonzentrale der Arbeitsagentur gesagt, dass das dies aber erforderlich sei, um einen erhöhten Freibetrag geltend machen zu können. Ist das korrekt? Wirklich einleuchten will mir das nicht….

Ist es im übrigen richtig, dass über die 165 Euro alles komplett angerechnet wird? Beim Bürgergeld werden ja über den Grundbetrag von 100 Euro hinaus weitere 30% nicht angerechnet…. letztlich fährt man als Bürgergeld-Empfänger dann sogar besser als als ALG-1-Bezieher (bei 500 Euro – 165 Euro mit ALG1, aber 250 mit ALG2)…. auch hier erschließt sich mir die Logik nicht, aber evtl habe ich ja auch einen Denkfehler….?

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1 month ago

I have heard that, too, does not make any sense for me.

Because it means, min. 12 months within 18 months, I understand it so that you can min. within 18 months. 12 months have to come, so various employers should be possible.

An average is then determined from the 12 months, as it does not matter whether 1 or more employers, the main thing is to come to min within 18 months. 12 months, something else would make no sense for me.

Then I think it should be called, from unemployment, min. 12 months without interruption, then you could save yourself with those within 18 months.

Yes, all over 165 euros net income under 15 hours per week would then be counted on the ALG – 1.

At the time of a mini-job, it would be only 19 euros more free of charge for the citizen’s money from the job center.

100 Euro Basic allowance from gross income, from 100 Euro to 520 Euro Gross 20 % Free allowance = 420 Euro x 20 % = 84 Euro.

So a total of 184 euros and not only 165 euros free allowance as with the ALG – 1 as insurance benefit from the agency for work.

Your 30% free allowance will only apply from 520 euros to 1000 euros gross and then up to 1200 euros gross will be added another 10% free allowance.

Must be min. 1 minor child will be taken into account, then 10 % free of charge from 1000 euros to 1500 euros gross.

1 month ago


I am not a lawyer and therefore I merely give you an information about what is usually handled in practice and results from the legal foundations (in particular SGB III to ALG I and SGB II for civil money).

(1) Increased allowance at ALG I over 165 euros presupposes, in other words, that the exact secondary activity (i.e. the same employment ratio) has been carried out at least 12 months in the last 18 months before the start of unemployment.

2) If you change the mini-job employer or start a completely new secondary activity, this can mean (depending on the subject-matter) that no increased allowance is recognised.

3) In ALG I, incomes are fully accounted for by the amount of the free allowance of EUR 165. This can lead to financial disadvantages if you have a relatively high secondary earnings.

4) In the case of civil money (ALG II), the compensation system is significantly different and in many cases (even in lower income areas) better for those affected in terms of net “increase” from a side job.

I hope that at least brings a little more clarity. If you have concrete doubts about the telephone information or the decision of your specialist, it may be worthwhile requesting a communication in writing and if necessary to object or to obtain a free legal advice from the local unemployment association/social association or the like.

I wish you a lot of success with your concern and a pleasant day! Kind regards.

1 month ago

Is it true that

It is:)

Unemployment benefit works differently than civil money.

“… An additional allowance may be taken into account.

if you have started in the last 18 months

the unemployment benefit in addition to an insurance

at least 12 months a secondary

employment of under 15 hours per week

have you exercised?

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