Ich bin hässlich. Ich will nicht um den heißen Brei herumreden, ich sehe nicht besonders gut aus und bin auch nicht unbedingt schlank und hübsch. Auch Make-up ändert daran nicht unbedingt was..: Meine Frage ist jetzt, wie lerne ich dies zu akzeptieren? Ich denke 24/7 an mein Aussehen es ist einfach mein Wunsch hübsch zu sein… Ich fühle mich aufgrund dessen immer den anderen untergeordnet.. Ich habe einfach keine Lust mehr… habt ihr Tipps wie man damit klar kommen kann?
I don’t know how you’ll ever accept yourself.
I never had problems with my body – since I never judged people according to their exterior.
In my life setting, education plays a more important role for everyone, motivation and respect in all pores.
I’d try to change what you can. Say something against pimples if necessary or sports and more of such things. But I don’t mean to change any chirugic interventions.
with acne I do not necessarily have the problem, but I should definitely pay attention to sport more regularly. Thank you.
Who’s supposed to be ugly?
If you have no self-confidence, a good-looking person does not feel good. Conversely, a not so perfect person can “gray away” all the others if he is in pure with himself!
Your attitude to yourself determines your radiation.
It only works if you don’t care what others think.
Thank you.
Beauty lies in the eye of the viewer. Just because you’re not saying that you’re pretty doesn’t mean that you’re not. Just because I don’t think person X is pretty, that doesn’t mean that another person can’t find person X attractive and attractive. In addition, one still looks at and looks at oneself more critically.
You are good as you are!
If I can’t judge, you’d have to see. But in general, it would probably be like everything: no matter what the others think
If you are attacked and a knife is stuck in your neck and is close to unconsciousness, it shouldn’t matter what the others think.
Okay, you have to be pretty ugly.
that sounded so far brought Hahah
What’s going on?
No. But if you say that I don’t care what the others think of me, you might be able to get yourself out of society. “I don’t care what the others say about my sloppy appearance on a birthday party,” for example, you may be thrown out of the celebration.
It’s not an opinion if someone rams a knife into my neck
It is not about being ugly, but about “the opinion of others is no matter.”
Sports. many ugly wives then have at least one filthy body. If you don’t have both then bonne chance
Your answer is corrosive – is toxic – disrespectful! Look at yourself in the mirror – for me SOLCH is an asympath ugly.
The text of contributors was also toxic, and now? it has clearly and clearly formulated it.
A Mega Macho is looking for attention.
I found
I have asked the question of overthrowing and impulsive .. if I should have reconsidered, you can no longer delete the question. 🙂 ↕️ naja you can’t do anything
Didn’t you like the word “winner”?
it was not about what he said, but how he formulated it!
But you wouldn’t have had to formulate it so drastically.
Vote 100%
I see. I should have written something like:
Girl, you’re beautiful and perfect as you are, and the right one will see that..
Better put the glasses 👓 and live in a dream world instead of telling them directly. Next time 👍