Akute Zahnfleischprobleme – Soforthilfe?
Seit ein paar Tagen hat sich an zwei Backenzähnen oben beidseits sehr feste Ablagerungen, fast Plaqueähnlich gebildet, innerhalb eines Tages. Putze tgl. elektrisch, morgens manuell und nutze Zahnseide, gelegentlich Mundspülungen, wegen meinem Zahnfleisch.
Mittlerweile ist der Zahnfleischrand sehr gerötet, tut aber eigentlich nicht weh. Das Zahnfleisch verabschiedet sich allerdings schon etwas und ich weiß nicht was ich machen soll. Kann so zeitnah keinen Zahnarzttermin wahrnehmen, brauche etwas was sofort wirkt, Plaque reduziert und die Entzündung beseitigt, damit sich das Zahnfleisch regenerieren kann.
Was hilft da?
This is a thing of impossibility. Fixed deposits cannot form within one day. These deposits are likely to be increments or Toothstone.
Even if you brush your teeth 2x a day, it doesn’t mean that you brush thoroughly or with the right tooth cleaning technique. Mouth rinses are superfluous and have no advantage (except the manufacturer) If you have problems with the gum, then this is a cleaning problem and there is nothing to use with a mouth rinse.
Go to the dentist. You don’t have an alternative.
Definitely there’s nothing. See that you will get a quick appointment at the ZA (don’t let you skip). Plaque can only be removed with the toothbrush or it can not be brought to such an extent that plaque can form and dental stone can only be removed from the dentist
I can only agree on conditionally…
In addition, there are other factors that contribute to a strong and healthy gum, apart from gum care.
And that’s what my question was rather designed.
And what contributes to the fact that plaque/zing stone/concrements do not form? For strong and healthy gums, excellent oral hygiene is primarily required. Inflamed gum/teach inflammation is caused by plaque……
For example, have not been paying particular attention to my oral hygiene for a few years, only manually cleaned, rarely taken gum silk, never had problems with gums and also no excessive plaque formation. For the first time last year, let a PZR be carried out and that was only because my teeth were very stained by mouthwashing, especially at the rim of the gum.
Oral flushing is not absolutely necessary. PZR is sensible, especially when it is carried out regularly. But this is mainly about cleaning the places you cannot clean enough with the toothbrush. And once again to say goodbye: Plaque only forms when the oral hygiene is not 100%.
Sink with camomile or ointment.
You can also drink it if you like it.
Go to the pharmacy and ask for a mouthwash.