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2 years ago

The audience was surprised by a colorful confetti rain.

2 years ago
Reply to  LiSAutZT


2 years ago

Sorry didn’t pay attention to the tempus

2 years ago

We had the same sets, too.

An empty paper bag is shown to the audience (by Lea). Then (from her) a paper bag cloth is taken with color cup. The cloth is put (from Lea) in the bag and the bag is inflated. Now a spell is spoken (by her) and the bag is placed. The audience is surprised by a colorful confetti rain. It was enchanted (by Lea) from the colorful paper bag cloth confetti.

2 years ago

You take the battery in the active set and make the nominative in the passive set.

Lea shows the audience an empty paper bag.

Lea: Nominativ

the audience: Dativ

an empty paper bag: battery


An empty paper bag is shown.

the rest then add:

An empty paper bag is shown by Lea to the audience.

The formerly in the nominal part gets a preposition + the appropriate case.

2 years ago

Active: A colorful confetti rain surprises the audience.

Passive: The audience is surprised by a colorful confetti rain.

A: Lea has enchanted confetti from the colorful paper bag cloth.

P: Lea Konfetti has been enchanted by Lea Konfetti.

2 years ago

Believe we had exactly the same book😂😂

2 years ago

The audience is surprised by a colorful confetti rain.

Lea Konfetti has been enchanted by a colourful handkerchief.