Akne loswerden endlich?


ich bin 15 Jahre alt und leide schon seit 2 Jahren an Akne. Ich fühle mich so unwohl. Ich hab nur immer Drogerie Produkte benutzt weil ich Angst habe das wenn ich was teures kaufe es nicht klappt. Hat jemand vielleicht selber Erfahrung mit Akne (und Pickelmalen) und kann mir paar Tipps geben ? Wäre so lieb

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5 months ago

Acne is related to the hormone balance. If you don’t live completely grounded, then more hygiene usually takes little. Everything you get in the drugstore is actually for the cat. There are drugs in ointment form that can sometimes help, sometimes not. Go to the skin doctor and let you advise.

5 months ago

Too much stuff doesn’t matter. Healthy diet (in front of me leaving chocolate) and the face simply washed with water and core soap has caused miracles. From pickle face to smooth skin in 3 weeks 😁 then I additionally used Clearsilpads 1x daily and the rest of puperty I had no more problems.
But don’t worry, as soon as you get out of the pupil, most of them disappear. Don’t scratch and squeeze too tight. There are scars that never go away again!

otherwise you can still use pimple patches. So you don’t have to express

However, a visit to a skin doctor would also be worthwhile