Akku Strom Garage?
ich habe ein 48v 3a Ladegerät für mein E-bike und wollt es laden nun gibt es in der Garage kein Strom , jetzt suche ein Art Powerbank wo man Laden kann daheim und in die Garage stellen kann das man das E-bike laden kann habt ihr da eine Tipp wo ich das bekomme ???
PS der Akku kann ich nicht raus machen zum laden .
I had a suitable discussion on a similar subject during the days.
If your pedelec has a battery with ~ 500 Wh, you might have one Anchor Power House 555 or 757 help. The former includes a 1024 Wh LiFePo4 battery, as well as a sine inverter for the operation of 230V devices.
The battery of a power station must necessarily have a higher capacity than the battery of the pedelec, since the power transmission cannot take place 1:1 in its efficiency.
Please also check which electrical power values for the primary voltage on your power supply are recorded.
Large power stations are now abundant.
Depending on the spatial conditions, you can also plug in PV modules that you probably wouldn’t have to load them in the summer.
Larger brands are there, for example, jacketry, anchor, BigBlue, Ecoflow…
Also gives good guides and tests on the Internet what is best suited for whom.
you have a link
Not a link, but a rough fist formula in punctures:
– The usable capacity at LiFePo4 batteries is about 70-80% of the nominal value at about 1×C discharge current.
– a good sine inverter with active PFC has an efficiency of about (min.) 90% in optimal case to power and load.
– the efficiency of the charging power supply and the integrated charging control electronics of your pedelec remains somewhat questionable. Pay generously there in caution with about 85% in the charging process of the bike battery up to a charging level of about 80-90%.
On my solar island with sine inverter I came to a current flow of ~ 8 A @ ~ 12,8V between the island battery and the sine inverter in the main charging mode up to about 80% battery level at the scooter with my E-Scooter with its original power supply to 71 Watt.
I meant to calculate