Akku schon kaputt?
Hallo, ich habe mir eine airsoft gekauft und natürlich einen Akku und ein Ladegerät dazu, habe ihn geladen bei Ankunft aber nicht voll… habe ihn dann angeschlossen um die waffe zu testen und alles hat funktioniert, gerade wollte nochmal etwas ballern aber es ging nix mehr, ich wollte daraufhin den Akku anstecken aber beim anstecken blinkt das Ladegerät nur noch rot anstatt durchgehend zu leuchten wie es eigentlich sein sollte… habe den Akku seit Samstag, ist ein 11,1 LiPo Akku.
was soll ich tun?
Danke im vorraus.
Let me guess: you got the LiPo/LiFe charger recommended to the weapon. Turn around the part, there would have to be a sliding switch on LiFe. Turn on LiPo once and plug the battery again.
It’s not done anyway.
Then something seems to be wrong with the battery. Promise, best not to test in the weapon, that could cause damage. Is that kind of blown up?
Okay thank you for your time, new battery is already ordered 👍🏻
Okay, that’s right.
According to the product description, the recommended charging voltage is 1C, i.e. 1* 1300 mAh = 1.3 A, which is also ok.
S represents the number of cells. Each cell of a LiPos has 3.7v, 2S are 7.4v, 3S 11.1v.
The device looks smart enough to have overload protection, so time should not be a problem. Since the maximum charging current according to the description at 5C, i.e. 6,5A, 3A should not have been a problem either.
Blinken actually always means that what is not right in case of chargers. What lamp does it flash? The “Charging Light” on the top right?
According to the description, the weapon has a “ECU”. Something like that can eat electricity.
My final assessment: By storing the weapon with connected battery, the cell voltage in a battery cell has fallen so much that it has broken. Therefore, the charger registers only 2 instead of three cells. The battery is broken and must be disposed of via an acceptance point. In no case in the household garbage, if it gets damaged in the ton or in the garbage truck, there can be a pretty campfire.
All connected red in red and black in black. Power plug natural and the white plug of course also. I hired 1A, but it still flashes. I don’t know what the lights up mean the 1 to 4S display, but when I put LiPo lights 1 and 2S. During the first charging process, I loaded a three-quarter hour to 3A. During the 2 charging process of the battery it only flashes. Can it be because I left the battery in the gun for two days? But he can’t get away so fast, can he? Good thing was not loaded.
Okay, I’m not familiar with the device, but I’m getting out of the window and saying that flashing is an error message with this too. What do the control lights indicate, what have you set for a charging current and have you connected both plugs from the battery or only the main plug or only the white ones?
this here
Wait a minute, I just took my device out, so you can’t even switch between LiPo and LiFe. Did you buy the device from Valken with the white sticker or the one with the blue surface?
Just because a shop recommends something doesn’t mean it’s really the best. I have already seen 11.1 in the recommendations for weapons that definitely do not hold them. I can’t say if that’s the case, because I don’t know what the hood has. I also have the charger and it is not necessarily the best, but usable.
Just because a technical device once worked doesn’t mean it’s okay. LiPos are very susceptible to many mistakes, from badly soldered cables to chemical problems. Of course, it can also be that the charger has one gone, but I can’t diagnose you. Blinking means that there is a problem if the device is not in the wrong mode.
Has also been shown as recommended has worked for the first time.
No quite normal looks like
After you have no idea of battery technology and also have no corresponding measuring instruments (multimeters, etc.) a complaint would probably be the easiest.
Don’t be stupid
Then grab your multimeter and check the cell voltages.
The cell voltage tells you directly whether the charger charges or whether the battery is defective/low discharge.
Doesn’t work with that case.