Airsoft starten?
Hey, ich möchte gerne mit 14 Airsoft ausprobieren da ich mich schon länger damit beschäftige, aber noch zu jung bin. Wenn jemand von euch Airsoft spielt, könntest du mir dann bitte erklären was oder warum es dir Spaß macht, wie lange du es schon machst usw. Habe schon ein paar mal privat und bei den Schützenfesten von dem Dorf in dem ein Freund von mir lebt und es hat mir Spaß gemacht
You can play with 14 Airsoft. But only with max. 0.5 joule and permission of your parents.
The sport is a lot of fun, you get to know many new people and have exciting experiences. Very exciting, if you’re interested, just try it out.
I myself do not play an Airsoft, I am a compressed air gun… but I have already dealt with the topic
Do you happen to know similar events like the Airsoft Days in Mahnheim, best in NRW, or other places where you can watch 14 times with rental equipment?
Find Airsoft Halls or Places in your area. Often these offers or events have for young people. What is special is not known to me
Always a good starting point (and duty for Airsoft players ^^^);)
Okay, I’ll see you in the ASVZ
the possibility(s) has already been mentioned.U18 is difficult to find. Some playgrounds like the Wildlands Olching (which is close to Munich, so less your corner) have U18 days.