airsoft sniper empfohlen?
ich würd gern Sniper spielen und softair Sniper möglichst fett und alles aber trotzdem noch irgendwie mobil
was empfiehlt ihr mir da am coolsten direkt komplettes Set coole Pistole und Sniper vlt paar Schutz ding mit guilli
würde feiern wenn ihr mir da weiter helfen könntet Budget sollte nicht orbital teuer werden aber gewisse höhere Sümmchen würd ich zahlen
As has been done so nicely: with 0.5J you can bend all this. Each one-way usable AEP/AEG comes at least as far.
Contact points ASVZ for playgrounds and events offered there.
And just buy this stuff anyway is the worst thing you can do (and if you’re “fully poor” anyway). For the first time, search for a usable field/hall with rental equipment. To sniff in. Murder’s money investing and after 6 months find that it is not that what you imagine -> used is sometimes difficult to sell.
And so on the subject….maybe you should work on your interstinion and general language. But that’s just my humble, personal opinion.
Yes sorry XD give my best
But now I’m poor too 16 and I’ve had my first day yesterday
As the commentary of my commentary already tells you and now here too I want to learn to learn to practice first and so on
I told you that I won’t get one directly then sooner in 2 years or so and in the time I’ll watch and collect the necessary money
The sniper class is not suitable for the beginning as it is the most difficult to play… you will be frustrated quite quickly.
In addition, as long as you are still under 18, you can only purchase, own and use Airsofts with an energy below 0.5 joule and that doesn’t make any sense for a single repeater, because every halfway good AEG shoots equally far or further, but it’s fully automatic…
If you want to start the hobby, then with a solid AEG from about 200€ 😉 And in the you will find games and legal fields of play (leading ban of licensed weapons from encumbered ownership with up to 10,000€ penalty).
many thanks for the advice what would be the best way to get sniper? what would be next
Take a look at the topic of camouflage and learn to get clear with unpleasant situation. Learn how to find good spots and find a reliable friend who will be your spotter. Learn how to know your weapon, so how the balls move and behave at certain distances, wind, height etc. Airsoft’s a bit more simple. There is still a lot of mathematics.
I don’t even play Airsoft and I never did, but I’ve been on the edge more often. What is very popular in the scene is the equipment of Novritsch. Let’s see if it’s in a price class.
Novritsch sells a lot about his name. If you look at something you can find equivalent weapons that are not so expensive.
Under 18 there is nothing that would be worthwhile in the long term.
I don’t have to get before now, poor digga just wants to inform me before and everything