Airflow im Fractal Design North XL?

Ich möchte den Airflow in meinem PC verbessern, indem ich einen 360mm Radiator oben installiere (wahrscheinlich be quiet! Pure Loop 2) und die anderen Lüfter so lasse, wie sie jetzt sind. Die Lüfter will ich alle, auch die am Radiator durch Noctua NF-A14 bzw. NFA12X25 austauschen. Ich weiß nur nicht, ob das gut ist, da es ja dann mehr Exhaust als Intake gibt.

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1 month ago

You can do that.

Make sure the front fans turn faster than that of the radiator so you don’t have a vacuum in the case.

If you don’t care about dust, you can also work with vacuum.

1 month ago
Reply to  flo2342

Jup. You have a ventilator curve and you set the 140mm at the back and best the foremost radiator fan slower than the rest. Theoretically, you can also let all fans from the radiator pusten more slowly. Since the heat rises up, the fans don’t have to work as hard as at nem Front Mount Radiator anyway.

But in any case, I would let the foremost radiator fan run more slowly, otherwise the good cold air will blow you out without cooling the motherboard. From a certain temperature, you can also let all fans rotate immediately to keep the noises low.

1 month ago

In principle, you can do this, but you generate a vacuum in the housing and draw the dust through all corners.

Would be more Intake >= Outtake with solid dust protection before the suction fans.

1 month ago
Reply to  flo2342

I wouldn’t.

The general airflow should be from bottom to top and back. It’s a good thing

1 month ago
Reply to  flo2342

With your constellation, I would go with the other answer here and simply control the speed. Speak, up to the high partial load range, simply turn in front rather higher than above and back.