Air Basis Fotografieren?
Hallo ich bin bald im Urlaub in Trier dort gibt es in der Nähe eine Us Airbasis. Meine Frage ist jetzt ob ich ohne Erlaubnis von der Straße die etwas weiter weg ist Fotos von irgendwelchen Jets oder Frachtflugzeugen machen darf. Man kennt sowas ja aus Ramstein dort bräuchte man ja auch erst eine Einverständnis. Aber weil es außerhalb der Basis ist weiß ich es nicht.
As long as you’re on public grounds and don’t look over a fence with a ladder, you can take pictures without any problems. I was already in Ramstein and took photos (though I was not the only one, there are many who photographed the flyers on the regular basis). I also uploaded a picture on google maps, has about 60k views. And no fbi stood in front of my doorstep, quite simply because they care about it.
Thanks for the information then I will have my fun
Generally not. Depends on which country you are.
“Photography on Military Installations is Prohibited Per DoD instruction 5200.08, “security of DoD installations and resources,” 10 Dec 05, it is DoD policy that DoD installations, property, and personnel shall be protected and that applicable laws and regulations shall be enforced. ‘ base
Just make a picture, but give little attention. Besides, they’d find you if you took a picture of something. What you shouldn’t see
I’m still 16 and would make it from the street
Think there’s no problem. And even if what happens just pretends you know it’s nuts.
The link with U.S. law when it’s in Trier is real